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A/N: Olivia x Reader

Backstory: Y/n had a stressful day and accidentally takes it out on her girlfriend, Olivia



"Goddamn it, Olivia, do you just hate me now?!" Y/n angrily questioned as she stared her down from the kitchen as Olivia was across from the girl who was stressed out.

"I simply asked why you were having a bad day and why you were taking it out on me! What did I do?" Olivia asked, not angry, not iterated. She was calm, and that angered Y/n even more.

"Can you just be angry at me?! I've been treating you shit! No wonder why you never want me to hug you anymore—"

"That's not true. You know that! You know that's not true." Olivia interjected, "I have just felt that recently, you have been so angry and stressed and you haven't exactly been the easiest to approach." She added which Y/n sighed at, she hit the desk and faced away from Olivia.

"I try... and I work so hard..." Y/n breathed out, "can you not meet me half way—?"

"Y/n, I need the money! Emily needs it—"

"That!" Y/n interjected her now as she turned around and pointed at Olivia before it slapped against the side of her leg, "Exactly! I have had a shit day, you ask about it, I don't wanna talk about it! I go to give you a hug but you give me a cold shoulder, I tell you I am saving up for a holiday for us, and all I'm asking is for a little contribution. But no, the vacation isn't important to you. Why? Because Emily wants this. Emily wants that. Emily wants you!" She expressed to Olivia who stayed quiet as a single tear fell down her cheek, "Can't you see that?" She breathed out as a tear fell down Y/n's cheek. She quickly wiped it away and looked down, she rested her back against the wall and shook her head as she stared at the ground.

"Y/n... that's—" She sighed and walked around and stood by the door, "that's not true—"

"Whatever." Y/n scoffed out, she shook her head and readjusted; Olivia moved in front of her but still kept her distance.

"If it means a lot to you, I can—"

"No, I'll handle it." Y/n cut off, she went to walk off and when Olivia turned her around and went to place her right hand on Y/n's cheek, she flinched badly that made Olivia snap her hands away as she stared at Y/n surprised, with hurt in the blue eyes that Y/n stared into when she promised years ago that she would never hurt her.

"Y—Y/n... I'm—" She took in a small gasp before she looked down at her hands that were shaking now.

"I—I..." Y/n sighed and shook her head as she looked down, "I didn't mean—"

"I gotta go for a walk." Olivia muttered out before she stormed past her and left the apartment, Y/n practically thrashed the apartment out of anger before she downed a lot of vodka, her immediately getting drunk as there was multiple bottles, 5 to be exact and Y/n only drank 2 and a half before she fell asleep on the floor, right next to the window.


Olivia's POV:

How... How could she think I'd ever hit her? I'd— I'd never... I'd never hurt Y/n, she loves me. I mean I hate that she's stressed out because she pushes everyone around her away and shuts people out, but I do.

I really love her and I know that behind all of her stress, she deeply loves me too.

I open the door and once I shut it and turn around; I see everything completely thrashed and a drunk but sleeping Y/n by the window, she seemed slightly shaky. I sigh and go over and grab a blanket, putting it over her.

"I'm here for you... Please, don't push me away." I express in a soft breath, I stroke her cheekbone and she leans more into me.

"I—I've missed youuuu." She drunkenly says as she lets out a small hum,

"I bet." I sigh out, "Come on, we're going for a shower." I instruct her, Y/n sighs and we both head to the bathroom; I help her undress and into the shower. I made sure to put hot water on, I wash and clean her body and her hair before I clean my body and hair.

"Can I help?" She asks me, her words still slightly slurred.

"I got it, baby." I dismiss, giving her a small smile. She looks down and picks at her skin, I grasp on of her hands so she can't do it. I move her closer to where she's right behind me. I lean against her and rest the back of my head on her chest, Y/n's hands trail up the side of my body delicately.

"I'm sorry for flinching." She apologises, I turn to her and give her a small smile.

"You have nothing to apologise for. If I knew that you were going to flinch or be startled, I swear... I—I wouldn't have done that." I dismiss and apologise. Y/n gives me a nod.

"I... I'm also sorry— sorry, one second." She turned her head to the left and covered her mouth as she yawned. Once she finished her yawn, she put her hand by her side and turned back, "Okay, sorry, I'm back. I—I also want... want to apologise for... um, how... how I've been acting." She stammers out, "And drinking..." she adds, "add feeling like I'm about to throw up—" she rushes over to the toilet and began to throw up, Olivia sighed as her shoulders fell for a second; she walked over to her and rubbed her back as she placed delicate kisses on her back.

"It's okay, let it all out." Olivia whispered to her then rested her head on Y/n's back as she continued to throw up.


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