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A week had gone by and it was just filled with me never seeing Nathan during the day. I couldn't share breakfast, lunch, or dinner with him, I had to move fast to see him by the stables because if they saw him first then they'd put him to another job on the other side of the castle, he was basically a servant at this point, I felt terrible.
I snuck into his room at midnight everyday to feel better and we'd talk for the entire night or do...other...things.

However, none of that was as terrible as when I found out that the engagement was official. My father sent out a letter to Lady Sofia's father and they happily accepted. I would have to break the news to Nathan tonight.

I walked towards his room with a lantern in my hand. I heard the sound of men's laughter and quickly hid behind the corner of a different corridor. The knights laughed and joked as they walked throughout the castle.

"What're you doing?" said a voice and I jumped.

"Goodness, Creed, you scared me!"
He laughed. "Why are you sneaking around your own castle?"
"Um...No reason."
"Mhm. You're sneaking off to meet Nathan, aren't you?"
"You're lying."
"How would you know?!"
"You get louder when you lie also your brows furrow in frustration."
I relaxed and realized my brows really were furrowed.
"Whatever, where are you going?" I asked.
"No where..."
"You're lying."
"How the hell would you know?"
"You dart your eyes in different directions when you lie and try too hard to act nonchalant and subtle but it just makes things more obvious."

"I hate you." he claimed.

I waited for an explanation.

"I went to Mary's room." he finally answered.
He chuckled as he reminisced.
"You're disgusting." I insulted.
"Don't sit here and act like you don't go to Nathan's room to do exactly what I did to Mary. Except...I'm sure you're on the receiving end."
"No, I'm not! What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Lying again."
"Damn you."

We went our separate ways and after a while I finally made it to Nathan's room.
I snuck in and looked behind me to make sure no one saw then closed the door since the coast was clear.

As soon as I turned around to see him, his lips crashed against mine and I giggled as I kissed him back.

"Um..." I put a hand on his chest and pushed him back.
"What's wrong?"
"I have news to tell you."
"Can it wait?" he asked and kissed and sucked on my neck.
"N-No...I have to tell you now..."

He let me free. "Okay, then what is it?"

"The umm...The letter was sent out..." I began. "They accepted."
He looked at me with hurt in his eyes.
"I'm officially engaged..."
He took a few steps back and away from me.

"No..." he disagreed. "No, you can't do this."
"I don't want to!" I set the lantern down and walked to him. "I promise, please believe me. This wasn't my doing." I looked up at him. His eyes watered.
"Is it soon?" he asked and finally looked at me. A tear fell. I wiped it with my thumb.
"Two months."

"Marry me instead."

"I-...umm...Nathan, I can't do that."
"Yes, you can. Sure, you can." he took my hand and got on one knee. "Marry me, Aspen."
I kneeled down on both of mine in front of him and held his face in my hands. "I'm so sorry."

More tears fell from his eyes and my own began to fill. His head hung down and I watched his tears drip to the floor.


Today Lady Sofia decided to pay a visit to the castle.

I was the least bit interested in accompanying her but Presley says that my father demands it.

"Good morning, your highness." she bowed giddily.
I didn't respond. "We will make this quick." I stated.
"Oh, um, yes, sir."

She followed behind me as we strolled around.


"So, how is everything?" she asked as we walked through another corridor.
"That's nice."

We walked in silence.

"I'm awfully excited! Aren't you?!"
I didn't respond.
"I think the wedding will be beautiful." she smiled.

We made it to the top of the castle and stared down at the scenery.

"How many bridesmaids am I allowed to have? I would like eight. Not including my maid of honor of course, but-..."
"I do not want to marry you." I didn't look at her as I spoke.

"I do not wish to marry you. I don't care what you do, who you invite, who you include, because I do not want it regardless."
"I don't understand. You can't do this to me!"
"I didn't say we wouldn't still have it, lower your tone with me." She bowed her head. "I am just stating that I do not wish to marry you. You can have your precious wedding but do not come to me with questions on what it should be when I do not care in the least."
"Why do you not care?"
"You are not who I want to be with."

She looked saddened.

"Is there someone else? Why are you not with her?"
I looked down.

After my father's response I do not wish to tell anyone else about my relationship with Nathan. I don't think I could handle it. His torment was enough.

"That's none of your concern. We should head back inside." I stated and walked past her towards the door.

As we walked back through the castle, we had to walk past Nathan.

He saw Sofia and examined her then looked straight ahead.
"Good afternoon, your highness." he said like all workers should whenever they run across me or my father.
"G-Good afternoon..." I replied.
He continued walking without another word.
I felt terrible.

"Well, this was an interesting experience." she grinned as we found the door.
"I'm sure. Just worry about your dress being tailored. The wedding will be here. Until then, stay away."
"We will call you if we need anything. And by 'we' I mean not me."
"Have a good day." I held one of the large doors open and she walked out with her head down.

I felt bad to have been so rude. She did not deserve it. It was just built up anger and frustration that I couldn't take out on my father like I wished I could. So she was the victim. I'll give my apologies the next time I see her. Now was just to find where Nathan had run off to.


I found him watching the horses stroll through the field.

"Hi..." I greeted.
"Hi." He didn't look at me.
"Max and Snow seem to be having fun." I said and looked through all the other horses to find them playing.

"You're mad at me."
"I'm not mad at you."
"Then can you at least look at me."
"...Oh." I looked down as I frowned.
"If I did I'd look too happy and someone could tell King Elias. I can't look at you."
I picked my head back up. "Wait so..."

That means he becomes happier when he sees me?
I grinned like a little boy in a toy store.

"You should go, I don't want him to throw a fit."
"Okay..." I said sadly.

He turned around and looked around before his eyes fell down to me then my lips.

He grabbed my chin and lifted it to him.
"You'll be in my room later, right?" he smiled.
My face grew warm as his eyes travelled back up to mine.
"Good. I've missed you dearly." His thumb stroked my lower lip. "Now go before I kiss you." He looked back at my lips before letting me go.

I walked back towards the castle as I held my blushing cheeks in my hands.

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