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"Your highness, are you ready to get dressed?" Presley asked for the fourth time as he sat on my bed and I stood and paced around my room.
"I'm sorry, Presley. Yes, I am ready." I stood in place so he could dress me.
"Might I ask why you are so nervous?"
"This is the first party where my father will not also be in attendance. All eyes will be on me. What will I do?"
"Exactly what you always do, sire. You will charm them and keep things comfortable. Remember to circle around the princesses to become more familiar with they and their families."
"Of course." I answered but I probably wouldn't do such a thing.
He buttoned my jacket and hung the ruffles of my shirt through the collar.

"Everything will be fine, your majesty." he encouraged.

Guests should be here soon. The doors open a quarter past 7.

I was done getting dressed and Presley now maneuvered my hair. He took a comb and a bit of water to comb it back.

I wore similar to what Nathan was supposed to wear except the base of the jacket and my pants were royal blue and I did not have a sash, sashes represented workers. Our accents were different and I had white gloves.

"You look quite handsome, sir."
"Thank you, Presley."

Presley opened the door for me and as I walked out I could hear the orchestra and there were a multitude of people already here.

The door to Nathan's room opened.
Out he stepped as he fixed his sash.

"Hello, Nathan." I greeted happily. I walked over to him.
"Hello." he replied.

He smelled so good. Not that he ever smelled terrible, his scent was always nice but tonight he smelled amazing.

"Why do you smell so good?" I asked.
"Oh, umm...three people bathed me for like an hour in there and they sprayed me with a lot of cologne. I think some got in my eye."
I snickered. "Are you ready?" I asked.

We walked together towards the main entrance. The closer we stepped the louder it became until finally we stepped out of the hallway and reached the stairs. I caught their attention and heard mumbling, they all bowed gracefully.

"Thank you all for coming. Please enjoy yourselves." I greeted. The music continued and everyone went back to their conversations.

They all had on their brightest attire. Women in pink, green, purple, beige, and blue dresses. Men in black, white, tan, blue, and green suits.
I sat at my throne and Nathan stood behind me, stiffly. I did not have the patience to waltz to each princess and ask for a dance that I did not truly want.

The princesses found me anyway.

"Good evening, your highness." she bowed.
"Good evening." I greeted.
"Tis a lovely party. Thank you for your invitation." she smiled.

In all honesty, Presley sent out the invitations. I had no say in who would be invited.

"Might I ask where you're from so that I can give your gratitude to the rightful owner?" I asked.
"I am Lady Annabelle from Nearlington."
"I see. Thank you for coming."
"Of course, your majesty." she grinned happily. "Umm, I hear you are looking for a wife."

Oh dear.

"I would just like to point out that I have been trained in all of the ways to being the perfect wife and..." she subtly looked around to see if anyone was listening. "I am fertile."
I heard Nathan choke up behind me and I tried not to laugh.
"Thank you for that, Madam."
She bowed joyfully before turning around and walking back down the stairs.

This will be a long night.


I was given a glass of champagne as I sat. More women had come to speak to me and each was the same. They heard that this gathering was to find a queen and that is the position they craved.

"Sir, Presley told me to tell you that it is necessary that you dance with at least one of the princesses here today." Nathan said to me.
"I do not want to." I replied.
"He was clear that it would be a necessity..."
"Fine. If I must, I will later."

Two other women came up the stairs.

"Good evening, your majesty." they said in sync.
"Good evening, ladies."
"We hear you are looking for a wife." one pointed out.
"I cannot marry the both of you."
"Oh, I'm here for your companion." the other said and I watched her eyes leave me and go to the man behind me.

"I am on duty. Please refrain from speaking to me in such a manner." Nathan stated politely. I believe Presley taught him what to say in case a situation such as this one came up. No offense to him but I do not believe that Nathan would think to use the words 'refrain' or 'such a manner'.
Presley must've known he'd receive attention.

"Will you be on duty all night? I'd hate for you to not have any fun." the girl pouted.
Nathan ignored her.
"Well, your highness, I am here for you." said the first woman.
"What is your name?"
"I am Princess Whitley of Dungerfeld and you are very handsome."
"You have such smooth skin and delicate features." said her acquaintance. "You're a beautiful man." she added.
"Thank you." I snickered at her forwardness.

"Whitley!" someone interrupted.
"Coming, father!" the two left.

"Did you not like her friend?" I asked Nathan.
"No, sir."
"Why not?"
He didn't give me an answer. He never does.


The party was finally coming to a close and I'd gotten off of the throne to walk around and speak. I danced with two of the women in attendance before it was too late just so that I would not hear Presley's bickering if word got to him that I had not.

"Wonderful party, your majesty."
"Thank you for the invitation."
"Good evening, your highness."
"Beautiful palace you have here, Prince Aspen."

I simply nodded my 'thank you's as they threw compliments left and right.

The doors reopened and everyone began to leave.

"Write to me, sweet prince!" I heard someone shout.

That'll be hard to do seeing as I have no clue who said it.

I waved my goodbyes until the last person escaped and the doors closed.

"Can I take this off now?" Nathan asked.
"Yes." I laughed. We headed to the section of the castle that held our rooms.

"How did you like the scene?" I asked as we came to his room.
He went inside and began getting undressed.
"It was fine. Did you see any women you'd like to marry?" he asked.
"No, unfortunately I did not. They were pretty I suppose but...I wasn't attracted to them. Did you?"
"Did I what?"
"Did you see any women that may have caught your eye?"

He threw his jacket onto the bed and looked at me as he unbuttoned his shirt.
"I like men."

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