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After I'd gotten ready for bed, Presley was taking an awfully long time to bring my tea. I decided to walk out to find what was taking so long.

On my walk out of my room, Nathan's door was open and he was looking out of his window. He sleeps shirtless as well as when he works. He wore his bottoms but that was all. I had on a satin set of pajamas. Tonight's pajamas were blue and white pin striped with a collar and long sleeves, the shirt was buttoned up.

"Do you like the view?" I asked.
He looked at me.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."
"I've never seen the east side of the castle before. I don't really visit it. This is the only time I've seen it. You have a apple orchard." he stated.

He's speaking more than usual. It made me smile. I wanted to correct his grammar but I figured it would be okay if we saved that for tutoring.

"Yes, we do." I nodded and walked towards him to also view the scenery.

"Do you like apples?" I asked.
"They are my favorite."
"Really? Why?"
"They are used for everything that is delicious. Pie, muffins, scones, and by themselves. I also like peaches for the same reason."
He continued staring.
"Nathan." I called.
"Yes, your highness?"
"Do you have any formal attire? For a gala or ball?"
"No, your highness."
"Oh no."
He looked at me with a concerned expression. "What?"
"There's a ball that has been planned for months now and it's in two days time. I will have someone make something for you tomorrow. It may take the entire day."
"I will attend?"
"Yes, of course."
"What is it for?"
"I have to meet the princesses of different countries in search for a queen, however, all people are invited. Including the townsfolk."
"Oh..." he looked back out of the window.
"If we're being honest, I don't want to do it."

I looked out of the window along with him.

"Why not?" he asked.
"I don't know. Something tells me that I don't want a queen. Or at least not now. I've had many girlfriends. I didn't really like them. I've never found someone that I want to be married to or share the throne with. But my father insists that this party is the way to go."
"You have to marry a princess?" he asked and looked at me.
"Well, she doesn't have to be a princess per say. She can be a commoner, but I believe marrying a princess ensures a bond with her country. You can't have too many allies."
"I see..."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked him.
"Why not?"
"I do not want one."
"Oh. Well, you are very attractive, I'm sure whenever you change your mind it won't be hard for you to find one."
He chuckled.
"What're you laughing at?" I wondered.
"Nothing, your highness."

We both turned around and saw Presley holding my cup of tea and standing in Nathan's doorway.

"There you are, Presley. What took you so long?" I joked and walked in his direction.
"Awfully sorry, sir. I ran out of black tea and had to fix chamomile."
"That's quite alright."

I turned around to look at Nathan and he stood there observing us with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Goodnight, Nathan." I smiled.
"Goodnight, your majesty."

I tell him all the time that he doesn't need to call me that.

We left his room and headed back to mine.

"Presley." I called then sipped my tea.
"Yes, sire?"
"Have a cake made, a pie. No, make several desserts and I want you to use the apples from the east side of the castle to do so."
"Sure, your majesty, but might I ask why?"
"I have a friend who really enjoys apples."
"Yes, sir." he bowed. "Is that all, sire?"
"Also gather a tailor. I need a few formal pieces made for Nathan. He has no formal attire and we cannot have that. He must attend the party with me."
"Yes, sir."
"Please make it as early as possible. I will pay them good money."
"Yes, sir."
"That is all, Presley. Thank you."
"Of course, sire."

He left the room.


The sun flashed through my eyelids and I groaned and rolled to the other direction.

"Good morning, sire." Presley greeted.
"Good morning, Presley." I said into my pillow.
"You must wake up, your majesty. The day is ready to begin."
"Must it begin so early?"
Presley snickered. "I gathered the chefs to create those apple delicacies you required last night. They should be setting them onto the table as we speak."
I perked up. "Really?!"
"Yes, your highness. Really."

I hopped out of bed and hurried to get ready.

Once that was done, I sped out and to Nathan's room.

I knocked on his door vigorously.
No answer.

"Presley!" I called and he exited my room.
"Yes, sire?"
"Where is Nathan?"
"I believe he is at the horses' stables, your majesty."
"What, why?!"
"He wakes up rather early, sir."

I hurried down the hall and down the stairs.

I found myself away outside and looked for Snow.

"Snow!" I called.

I heard the clicking of hooves and she turned around the corner.

"There you are, girl." I hopped on top after a quick pet to her head.


"Nathan!" I called as I saw him brushing his horse.
"Good morning." he greeted softly.
"Good morning to you as well. What are you up to?" I asked and got down from Snow.
"Nothing, at the moment. I finished most duties. I thought that now I could just hang out with Max, here."
"Where are Lucas and Mary?"
"They went into town for horse feed."
"I see...your horse is very beautiful." I placed my hand on his muzzle and caressed gently.

"Oh, umm...careful, he doesn't... really... like... people...?" Nathan said but his horse seemed rather calm to my touch.
"What? He seems very gentle." I claimed and pressed my head to Max's before giving it a kiss. His eyes closed gently and he placed his head to my hand. "Such a peaceful stallion." I claimed as I held its face and pet it.

"What?" I asked.
"That's" he claimed.
"Is he not usually this gentle?"
He shook his head.
"That's hard to believe. But anyways, I have a surprise to show you." I smiled.
"...For me?" he asked softly and in shock.
"Yes, for you." I snickered. "Come on." I pet Max one final time then went back to Snow. Nathan hopped onto Max and we rode off.

We made it back to the castle and walked inside. I made him follow me to the dining hall and everything was laid out.

"Tada!" I said in excitement.
"What is this?" He snickered at my immense joy.
"It's different foods made from some of the apples in our orchard."
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, shyly.
"Look!" I took his free arm and dragged him closer to the table.
"There's cinnamon apple muffins. Apple pie. An apple crumble cheesecake. There are scones. Umm..."
"This is very nice but what did I do to deserve it?" he asked nervously with a shy grin.
"You're my friend. I do this for my friends." I smiled.
He looked at the spread.

"You should eat before you are fitted for clothes. Is there anything else you would like?" I questioned.
"Do you enjoy coffee? You seem like a coffee drinker."
"I drink coffee..."

Presley came from the far door.

"Yes, sir?"
"Can you have a cup of coffee made for my friend here, please?"
"Of course, sir." Presley disappeared.

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