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I was excited about tomorrow and my father's arrival. Also I remembered what Nathan said a few days ago about us spending time outside of the castle, so I had Presley fix us a picnic basket. That way we could go to this empty field, that no one walks through, with Snow and Max. He'd be able to be as affectionate as he wants and I wouldn't keep having heart attacks that someone might see us.

"What's that?" Nathan asked when I skipped to him with the basket behind me.
"It's a..." I revealed it, "PICNIC BASKET!"
He snickered.
"I thought it would be nice to have one in the field south of the castle."
"Doesn't that sound nice?"
"No, not really."
"...Oh...okay..." I put it back down. "I'll give it back to Presley and he'll-..."
"Sweetheart, I was kidding." he smiled. "I would love to have a picnic with you."
I smiled and shoved him for making my heart drop.


We sat on a blanket and Presley had packed us sandwiches, fruit, wine and water, and small cakes.

"Wow, he packed a lot." Nathan mentioned.
"I might have told him the idea while I was really enthusiastic so he kind of went all out."
He chuckled. "I like it."
I smiled.

Max and Snow pranced around cutely while Nathan and I sat and ate.

"You have icing on your lip." he chuckled and used his thumb to remove it then sucked it off.
My face was warm again.
"You're so easy to embarrass." he laughed.
"That's not true!" I said and scooped up another bite of cake to my fork.
"It isn't?"
He put his finger in the cake icing then put it on my lip.
"What're you-..." he interrupted me and grabbed my face. I felt him lick my bottom lip before he slid his tongue into my mouth for a deep kiss. The kiss was a few seconds longer before he finally let me go and then ate the bite of cake off of my fork.

My cheeks were hot and my eyes were wide as I stared at him.

He licked his lips and laughed. "Look at how red your cheeks are!"
I covered them with my hands.
He took them and pulled me by them to sit in his lap before he put his lips back on mine.

He used to be the shy one. He used to be scared to speak to me or even look at me. Now he makes my heart punch out of my chest and my cheeks burn hot.

He began fumbling with my pants.

"Yes?" he kissed me as he undid them.
"We're outside..."
"I know." he smiled and kissed me again as he undid his pants as well.
"Shhh, no one comes out here. I won't slide it in." he said and kissed my jaw then neck.
"Then what will-..." I was interrupted when he grabbed my length and held it to his.

The size comparison...he was like two of mine side by side. If measured I'm sure he reached double digits, I'm happy he's never gone all the way in before.

He started rubbing them together and his lips pressed back against mine.
It was different but it felt really good. This must've been what Lucas was talking about. His hand stroked them both as they rubbed against each other and his tongue explored my mouth.

"This-...this is...naughty..." I said through moans.
"Mhm, and?"

He chuckled a bit and slowed down instead.

"What do you want? Tell me."
"Squeeze it...please..."
"Yea? Do you want me to go faster?"
I nodded.

He lifted my shirt up and I put it between my teeth then rested both hands on his shoulders as he followed my needs.
His free hand found my chest and the thumb ran over my nipple before it and his pointer finger pinched down on it.
I moaned through my shirt.

I was about to reach completion and he went even faster.

"Come on, make me proud. You can do it." he smiled.

I whimpered as I finished.

"Good boy." he encouraged.
His hand continued and soon he came as well.

He looked down and his thumb slid over my tip and it jumped and twitched.

"So sensitive..."
"I'm not sensitive..."
"Yes, you are." he ran his finger up and my fingers dug into his shirt. "See. You wouldn't be able to handle it if I really had my way with you."

I looked at him and he kissed me again, I kissed back but my mind wondered what he meant.


"How was your picnic, the both of you?" Presley asked as we entered.
"It was wonderful, Presley, thank you."
"Of course, your highness."
"I have to go, I promised I'd help fix some of the old carriages when we came back." Nathan stated.
"Bye." he smiled and licked his lips.
"Bye." I smiled giddily.

He was about to kiss my cheek until two of the maids came out of one of the castle corridors. He stopped and raised his hand and I gave him a high five in return before he left.

"I'm happy he makes you so happy, your highness." I looked up at Presley and he was grinning.
"What do you mean?" I asked. "I've always been fairly happy."
"Not this happy, sire. Your smile is never ending. You weren't necessarily unhappy but you weren't as joyful as you are now."
"Oh..." I looked down and smiled. "I hadn't noticed."


"Presley, aren't you excited?!" I asked as he bathed me.
"For what, your highness?"
"Father makes it back tomorrow."
"Ah, yes. I am very excited."
"I wonder if they won! We do have a strong army, but Tazkaban is terrifying. They're only known for ruthlessness and terrorism."
"I'm sure they were fine, your majesty. We can ask when he returns at tomorrow's noon."
"Yes, your majesty?"
"I've decided that we should tell father...about Nathan and I."
"Your majesty..."
"No, Presley. I cannot keep this from him. He's my father. He should be happy for me. I think that because he loves me and likes Nathan, that we will be fine."
Presley walked around and crouched in front of me.

He stared at me with his blue eyes through his glasses and I saw that a piece of his black hair with the occasional silver strand had fallen out of place. I neatly put it back. Presley is not Presley if he isn't perfect.

"Your highness, I want you to know that I love you and you are valid. And no matter what anyone tells you, you are a wonderful human being and you deserve the purest form of happiness."

"Presley, why are you telling me this?"
"I have known you since you were only a baby being carried by your mother, my prince. You listen to me clearly for I would not hold the truth from you, do not allow what anyone says to change your views. If you are happy then you stay happy for your sake not for anyone else's."
"Yes, Presley."
"Good. Now let's get you out of this tub, hm?"

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