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The party was fine. I was told to mingle although I did not have the energy. I wanted it to end quickly.

"Good evening, your highness." one woman bowed.
"Good evening, my lady." I replied.
"You look very handsome this evening." she smiled as she spoke to me.
"Thank you. You look quite stunning."
She giggled.
"What is your name?" I asked.
"I am Lady Sofia."
"A beautiful name." I smiled.
She giggled again. "Oh, stop it, you flatter me."

She was very pretty. She had smooth brown skin and large eyes, her lips were full, and she had a very kind and beautiful smile. I was not at all attracted to her, but that did not make her less beautiful.

The kitchen staff came out with a large five layer cake.

"Oh my..." Sofia said in awe.

They came around with glasses of champagne on platters. Sofia and I both took one and I saw my father get up to speak.

"Thank you all for attending!"
The crowd cheered.
"Today is a most joyous day! We've won in a battle against beasts! Tazkaban is known as brutal but they could not defeat us. They could not out-fight our will and strength. We are Gavaria! A country of determination! We did experience pain along the way, we did experience loss, but the loss was not in vain. We avenged those we lost. I say this toast for them. May they rest well and be with us spiritually for the next battle."

Glasses lifted in the air and everyone took a sip.

"May the celebration continue!" my father permitted and the orchestra continued.

"Your father is a great speaker." Sofia complimented.
"Yes, I suppose he is."
"Pardon my intrusion, your majesty, but you do not seem all too happy about the current circumstances."
"Oh! No, no, no, I am filled with great pride at our victory. I mind is a bit foggy right now. I am thinking of other matters."
"I see. Perhaps I can get your mind off of them?" she smiled.
"Maybe, but I am quite focused." I snickered.
"I don't think you understand."
"Your highness, I am flirting with you." she giggled.
"Oh! Oh, umm..." I looked around and saw Nathan, Lucas, and Creed conversing as they drank.
"Maybe some other time?" I offered.
She nodded. "Whenever you want." she winked and walked off.

That was awfully forward of her.


The party was finally coming to an end and everyone was leaving.

I stood off to the side as I thought to myself about what I would say.

I think I've got this. Just tell him.

"Father!" I called across the ballroom and grabbed everyone's attention.
"Yes, my son?"

I did a quick glance over at Nathan and he looked at me as well before my eyes found my father once again.

"I must speak with you in private." I stated.
"Okay? Such bass in your voice I can only assume it is important. Lead the way then, my boy."

I nodded and walked us out of the ballroom.


We made it to our library.
I held the door for him as he walked in after me and then I shut the door behind us.

"What is the meaning of this?" he asked as he walked over to the fireplace and threw in some wood then lit it.
"I have some rather exciting news, I think." I grinned. I thought positively about his reaction. Everything will be fine. He is my father after all.
"Out with it then." he instructed and poured himself a drink.

"I've found someone, father."
He looked up at me with a sparkle of joy in his eyes.
"You've found someone?" he smiled.
This is the reaction I expected. I was right.
"Yes!" I walked closer to him to look in his eyes as I spoke about my current relations. "And I am very happy! You have no idea!"

"That's phenomenal, my boy! Who is it?! This is great, you two should be married soon! Is it a princess? A widowed duchess? Is her father wealthy? Well, truly that does not matter. She could be a commoner for all I care."

"Umm, well no, they are not any of those."

"What do you mean, my son?"

"Father, the person is Nathan." I smiled.
He stood there in silence with a confused expression painted onto his face.
"Nathan?" he questioned.


He sat his drink down. "Nathan as in...your guard, Nathan?"
"Yes, sir, and he makes me-..." I was shut up by a burning sensation to my cheek.

"YOU BASTARD!" he shouted.
I held the side of my face that he had recently struck.

"I don't understa-..."
My throat was grabbed and I was pushed backwards until my back met the library door.
"You tell anyone about this and I will have you seized and locked out of my castle, YOU HEAR ME!" his grip around my neck only tightened and brought tears to my eyes.
He finally let me go and I coughed as the air roughly hit my lungs and my tears fell.

He turned to face the table. "I asked for one thing when you were younger and it was that you didn't become some disgusting PERVERT! I give you EVERYTHING! And this is how you repay me?! Feening for a man?! Are you sick?!"
"I just-..."
"There is no saving people like you. Word must not get out."
"I thought-...I thought you'd be happy for me..." I said as more tears fell, no longer from the choking, but from the pain in my heart.
"Happy that you're some weirdo that gets off on thinking about other men?" he asked and turned to look at me. I looked at the floor.
"Happy that you picture yourself sleeping with boys?! Let me ask you something, son."
I became nervous.
"Have you kissed him?"

My tears grew as I couldn't look at him.

"ANSWER ME, YOU FREAK!" his deep voice erupted throughout the room.
"Yes..." I cried.
"You fucking-...damn you, boy. I did all I could to raise you right. I don't know where I fucked up but damn it did I fuck up."
"I'm sorry..." I cried.
"Don't apologize to me. You go out and you cleanse yourself. You're...filthy. Disgusting. Where did I go wrong, Aspen?!"
"Please don't hate me." I begged.
"We'll see once you grow out of this. This...this...putrid lifestyle you're living."

I shunned away at his words.

"Who was the woman that I saw you speak with tonight?" he asked and sipped his drink.
"Lady Sofia?"
"You will marry her."
"WHAT?!" my tears stopped and I looked at him in shock.
I looked at the floor once more.
"You will marry her and it's final. She will be your queen. She will bear your children. I will not hear anything else about it."
I looked at him again. "I do not want-..."
Another smack. "I don't care about what you want. I didn't want a son that was sick in the head but look at the sin I received."

I kept my head down as I cried.

"Get out of my way."
I moved to the side and he walked past me then left the library.

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