Don't Tell Him

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"You can be free of your crutches now, yes." said the doctor.

This was the third afternoon that I'd had the doctor visit. I was happy it was finally over.

"Marvelous news!" I shouted.
"Make sure you stretch your ankle from time to time and do refrain from landing on it too harshly for the time being."
"Yes, of course."

I stood and went to find Nathan.

I was told he was outside and chopping wood.

I jogged through the castle and took an apple out of a bowl in the kitchen then carried on my way.

I found Nathan where I was told he'd be, chopping wood with ease, and tapped his shoulder.

He began greeting me with kisses when no one was around and it made me smile. He's tried in front of others before but I am too afraid to let everyone know.

"Where are your crutches?" he asked and I handed him his apple.
"The doctor says I do not have to use them anymore. Are you ready for tutoring?"
"I think I require a bath first." he chuckled.
"You smell fine, come on." I took his wrist and pulled him behind me.

A bath meant I'd have to wait to spend time with him. Nathan's baths were always very long. He hated to smell bad.

We found the room we used for class.

"How far have you come in your book?" I asked.
"I am at page 132."
"You're a very fast learner. Your vocabulary has broadened quickly and your grammar is becoming much better. You also haven't asked me how to pronounce a word in four days." I was extremely proud.
"Thank you."

"Have you realized how much more you speak to me now? You're a lot more open." I stated. I enjoyed hearing him speak; however, not nearly as much as I enjoyed seeing him smile.
"I enjoy speaking to you."

That made me smile.

I began his tutoring.


We'd finished tutoring and dinner was around the corner.

We sat and ate and laughed and drank. Presley even stepped in to some of the conversation.

Finally, it was time for my bath and to get ready for bed.

"Yes, sire?" he answered as he cleaned my arms.
"What do you think father will say?"

I felt him stop.

"Presley?" I asked.
"Listen to me, your highness. Whatever you do, you mustn't tell King Elias about your relations with Sir Nathan."
"What? Why?" I asked. He was concerning me.
"Prince Aspen, do not tell your father. You keep this information between I, Creed, Nathan, and yourself. Do you understand?" My way of knowing when Presley scolded me like a father was when he called my name.
"Y-Yes...but why?"
He went back to cleaning me. "Your father does not understand."

I became saddened. "Will he hate me?"
"He will not hate you, I do not believe any decent parent is capable of hating their child but...he will not be happy."
I frowned.

All I've ever done was strive to make my father happy and proud of me. This was not something I controlled, I don't believe. What will I do?

"You shall tell your father that you and Nathan are great acquaintances, you will not include your romantic encounters or feelings."
I hung my head down. "Yes, Presley."

After a little while longer, I was taken out of my bath and dressed in my silk and royal blue pajamas. Presley had brought my tea and I laid there, thinking.

What will father do if he were to find out? He might not hate me but I do not want to feel his disappointment either.

A knock interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answered and sat up.

Nathan walked in.

"I could not sleep." he snickered. "I suppose you couldn't either."

I stared at my blankets as I traced it with my fingers.

"What's wrong?" Nathan asked and sat on my bed.

"I've found out some rather terrible news."
"Which is?"
"My father. He cannot know about us."
Nathan looked forward as he tried to accept what I told him.

"Presley says he would not understand. He would be drastically disappointed in me. He might even hate me. I don't want that. I love my father. I don't want to feel his wrath or disappointment."
Nathan didn't answer.
"Are you upset with me?" I asked and sat up closer to him. "Please do not be upset with me. I do not want either of you disappointed."
"No, I am not upset with you, I understand."

I laid my head on his shoulder and he kissed it before picking it up to kiss my lips instead. I joyfully accepted and kissed him back.

The kiss grew deeper and more passionate.
Soon he began leaning forward and pushing me to lay down. I did so. His kisses always made me feel better.

I felt...excited.

I put my arms between my legs out of embarrassment of him seeing what I'd done. Or rather, what he'd done to me.

He took my arms and moved them without breaking our locked lips, he let one arm go and his hand found between my legs. My breathing became short but I kissed him some more.
I continued to grow under his palm and I felt eager. His lips began to leave mine and they found the rest of my face, then my jaw, and then my neck. I allowed such treatment because of the feeling it put in the pit of my stomach.
His hands forced my shirt open and I heard buttons pop but I didn't care. His lips trailed down my neck to my chest and collarbone.

I felt as he bit onto my nipple and gently pulled it, I whimpered but that calmed once his tongue slipped out and licked over the same area. His thumb teased the other.

My pants and under garments were gently slipped off and I shyly laid under him in only a torn open pajama shirt.
"Your body is so pretty..." he claimed and kissed back over my chest. "...and sensitive."
His hand wrapped around my length and I watched him kiss my inner thigh.

He went to my member and I saw him lick down it.
He began sliding it into his mouth. I grabbed onto my blankets as the sensation ran through my body. His tongue slid up and down and all around it. I closed my eyes tightly and bit the back of my pointer finger as he continued. He pressed my thighs down and out of his way as he worked.
While he worked his mouth on my length, I moaned softly. He took it out of his mouth and sucked his own finger. Right before I felt something strange.
His finger traced around my entrance and then slipped it in.
My hand met his shoulder but he kept going. His mouth wrapped back around my length.

It wasn't terrible, it was just...strange. I kept moaning from the feeling of his tongue down my shaft. Another finger slid in.

"N-...Na-..." I could not call his name. All that could leave me were pleasured sounds. His fingers began to feel good. All of it did.
"St-...Stop, it's going to...come out...!" I cried. My hand found his head to remove it but I lacked the strength. Then my body tensed and I called his name and looked to the sky. I felt the ejaculate leave me and I snapped back and looked at him. Some of it was on his lip but most was inside his mouth.
"Oh, no, I am so sorry!" I panicked. "Spit it out! Spit it out right now!" I demanded and slapped his shoulder.
I watched his neck move to swallow it.
"It's okay. That's what I wanted to happen." he smiled and licked the excess off his lips.
I looked at him in shock.

I don't know what came over me but I grabbed his face and kissed him hard, making my tongue explore his mouth like it were searching for something hidden.

He laid me back down.

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