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I stayed in bed all day.
Presley attempted to get me up but I refused.

"Presley, this is your third time trying to get me up. I'd prefer to lay here if that's okay."
"You must eat, sire. I will not force you to dress, you may stay in your pajamas, but do eat, your majesty."
I sighed and swung my legs off of the bed then slipped on my slippers.

I held my arms out and he placed my robe onto me. I closed it and tied the belt then we left my room. I didn't stop at Nathan's room like usual.

We made it to the dining hall and when I thought I had avoided him, he was already sitting at the table.

"Good morning." he greeted.
I grinned but I did not say it back. Nothing about this morning felt good.
I turned to Presley.
"Please sit, sire." he instructed.
I did as told.

They brought out breakfast and today was banana's Foster pancakes, freshly picked fruit, and freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Yes, your highness?"
"Can you bring Creed in here?"
"Yes, I can." he bowed and then went on his way.

"Who's Creed?" Nathan asked as he swallowed his bite.
"He's my friend and sword trainer. He occasionally eats breakfast with us if he shows up on time."
"I see."
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, why would I be mad at you?"
"I'm unsure but you aren't speaking like usual. Like you are upset with me."
"I'm not upset with you."
"Have you spoken to Lucas, yet?"
"Why not?"
"I'm not sure. I'm not sure how I feel about him. Max certainly doesn't like him. Max is my best friend, we're a pair. You can't have one without the other. But I am sure that Lucas likes both women and men."

I wish I could do that. I only just noticed that I've never truly been attracted to women. If it were both life would be easier. At least I could have a queen.

"You called?" Creed said. I hadn't noticed he'd entered.
"I have something I need to tell you." I stated.
"What is it about?"
"Our most recent conversation."
He looked next to me and saw Nathan.

"Aspen, who's this?"
"That is Nathan."
He looked back at me.
"He calls you Aspen?" Nathan asked.
"What else am I supposed to call him?" Creed argued.
"Yes, he calls me Aspen."
"So he's a close friend?"
"A bit nosey..." Creed stated.
Nathan just stared at him intensely. I saw his jaw clench.
"Let's go." I instructed and pulled Creed away.


After a few minutes we made it to his side of the castle.

"You can let me go now." Creed stated.

My sadness came back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked.
"He...he likes Lucas." I cried.
"Aw jeez."
I sniffed and wiped my face.
"Hey..." he pat my shoulder awkwardly. "It's okay. He'll come around and if he doesn't then there's other fish in the sea, man."
I nodded.
"Yes...okay." I agreed. "Other fish." I tried to convince myself but my eyes continued to water.
"Don't cry, I don't know what to do when people cry. you want to ride Snow for a bit?" he asked to cheer me up.
I nodded as I sniffed.
"Okay, let's go find her."

After a few minutes, we found Snow chewing on a carrot given to her by Nathan.
Of course.

"Can I?" I asked Nathan.
"Of course." He handed me the carrot.
I fed her the rest of it and soon felt a heavy head nuzzling into my neck.

"Oh, hi, Max." I smiled and pet his coat.
"I'll be training the others, Aspen." Creed called and began to walk away.
"Okay! I'll call for you if I need you!" I yelled as he walked.
"I know!" he waved.

I hopped onto Snow.

"Where are you going?" Nathan asked.
"I am just riding around the castle. I'm not leaving."
"I will come with you." He hopped onto Max.
"That's not necessary."
"No, I want to."
"O-Oh...okay." I smiled.

We began riding around.

"How long have you had Snow?" he asked.
"Around 5 to 6 years. She was a birthday present."
"She's beautiful."
"Thank you." I grinned and brushed through her mane. "How long have you had Max?"
"Ten years. We were both young when we found each other."
"So Max is older than Snow?"
"Hm. I bet Snow is still faster." I teased.
"Do you?"
"Yes, of course. She can beat any and every horse."
"You're on then."
"Are you challenging me?" I laughed.
"No, no, you challenged me first. I am accepting." he chuckled.
"Fine then. To the beginning of the forest and back." I called.
"Can Snow not handle the forest?"
"She can. I just thought maybe that would be easier for you."
"You're hilarious." he joked. "To the forest, until we reach the end."
"On the count of three...1...2..."

He took off.

"YOU CHEATED!" I laughed and Snow followed. I heard his laughter as he edged closer to the forest.

Snow was beginning to catch up. Soon we were riding side by side through the woods. I looked to the side and saw him flashing from behind trees. I gave Snow the cue to speed up and she did.

We were ahead by a few feet. I saw the end of the field.

We were gaining close when something scurried across the forest floor and startled Snow. She stood on her hind legs and I lost my balance. I fell to the ground and the mouse scurried off.
She bowed down and looked at me, nudging me with her nose as an apology.
I snickered. "It's okay. I know you would have won, my love." I said and hugged her.

Nathan came around and got down from Max.

"Are you alright?" he bent down and helped me stand.
"My ankle-..." I looked up at him and noticed we were a lot closer than I thought. My chest pressed against him. His arm was around my waist as he kept me sturdy while I put my weight on one leg. He looked at me.
"Your ankle hurts?" he asked.
"Um...yes..." I responded.

He picked me up and sat me on top of Snow.

I looked down and saw Nathan removing my shoe and sock.

"What're you doing?" I asked.
"I'm checking to make sure it isn't broken." His hand gently held my foot and he maneuvered it. I winced.
"It's not broken but it is a small sprain. You'll be fine in a week or two."
He stood up straight and looked at me.
"Is everything else alright?"
He rested his hands on Snow, one on each side of me, straddling my body, as we held eye contact.

"Yes...I'm fine...I think..."
"There's some dirt on your face." he snickered and wiped it with his thumb. "Wouldn't want to dirty such pretty skin." he claimed.
My face felt warm and I looked away from him.
"Are you ready to go back?" he asked and grabbed on to Max's halter.
"Only if you'll admit that I definitely would have won had that mouse not been there." I smiled.
"Never." he argued and hopped on.

The King's Guard (BL)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें