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Tonight, after my bath, I decided that I should get it off my chest and tell Nathan how I feel. Maybe I'd feel better.

After being dressed into my pajamas, I told Presley the plan and he wished me luck then went to fetch my tea.

I hopped to Nathan's room and knocked on his door. It took a while for him to open it.

He finally did, with his shirt off, of course. For some reason he didn't open his door all the way.

"Hello." he greeted.
"Hi." I smiled.
"How is your ankle?"
"Um...Well, I have to hop around now." I snickered. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked and changed the subject.
"My ankle is starting to ache from not being supported, so yes, please. If that's okay."
"Oh, I'm sorry, yea...I just...umm..."
He looked like he was thinking.
I couldn't think fast enough before he had picked me up and opened the door wider.

"Oh-...I-..." I looked into his room.

On his bed sat Lucas.

"Good evening, your highness." He stood and bowed.

"I see... I'm interrupting, aren't I?" I tried to smile it off but I felt nothing but sadness.
"No, I-..."
"Nathan, please let me go." I stated.
"But your-..."
I dropped down from his arms and fell, aching my ankle. I winced.

"Are you okay?" he crouched down and asked me.
"Don't. Please, don't touch me." I asked. "I'm just..." I used the wall to stand. "I'm gonna go..."
"Do you need help?"
"No! Just...don't touch me..." I didn't look at either of them so that they wouldn't see the tears that formed in my eyes.

I continued to focus my balance on the wall to walk and I left them be.

I made it to my room and hopped to and in my bed. I sat in the fetal position with my head buried into my arms.

Perhaps this was not meant to be. I should take it as a sign and just give up.

A knock sounded at my door.

"You can come in, Presley." I said softly. "I failed again..."
The door opened.
"Failed at what?" Nathan asked as he entered.
I hurriedly wiped my face.
"Nothing. What do you need?"
"Are you alright?" he asked and closed the door behind himself.
"I'm okay."
"No, you're not. Your eyes are wet."
"My ankle just hurts, I'm fine. You shouldn't leave your guest, that's awfully rude."
"I sent him home."

He sat on my bed across from me. "So it's your ankle that's bothering you?"

He took my leg and stretched it over both of his.

"'s my ankle." I lied.
"You should stay off of it. It's not good to do as much walking on it as you have been. Why did you come see me?"
"No reason."
"Please be honest with me."

He took my other leg and now they both laid over his lap.

"I...I had something to tell you..." I stuttered and looked away from him.
"Okay, then tell me."
"No, it's okay." I said and ran my fingers along my blanket.
"You're not looking at me again. Is it bad? Are you uncomfortable?"
"No! I mean, I am not uncomfortable, but I guess it's only bad depending on how you see it."
"Then tell me and look at me while you do."
"That's hard." I snickered, still looking away.

He spread my legs and got between them then leaned into my face.
"Is this easier?" he chuckled.

I looked at him and my heart raced. My face burned hot.
"Are you going to tell me?" he asked with a smile and licked his lips.
I swallowed nervously.

"I...I umm..."

The door to my room opened.
In walked Presley.

"So sorry to interrupt, your highness, but I've fixed your tea and will be on my way." he said and placed it on my nightstand.
"Goodnight, sire. Goodnight, Nathan." Presley bowed quickly then left my room just as fast.

Nathan looked back at me. "I'm all ears."
"I do not want to tell you anymore."
"Why not?" he asked and sat back.
"It doesn't matter. It's too late."
"It matters to me."
I looked in his eyes.

"Okay, but when I tell you, promise me that it will not ruin our friendship."
"I promise it will not ruin our friendship."
"Okay...Nathan, I..." I looked away again and he did the same thing as earlier then pulled my face back to look at him.
"Look at me, please." he stated.
I looked into his eyes.

"I like you..." I stated finally.

I felt like a weight had been lifted.
He didn't say anything, his brows furrowed in confusion but he hadn't spoken.
"I'm sorry." I turned away and covered my face with my hands.

I shouldn't have said anything. He likes Lucas. What if they are already together and I disrespected their relationship? I wouldn't want that.

As I thought, two hands grabbed my wrists and yanked them away from my face before a pair of lips pressed against mine.
I kissed him back without thinking. I could feel that he smiled as he kissed me. His hand held the side of my face and I leaned in further to him as my hands gripped the blanket. This was the best kiss I'd felt in a while. I felt tingly in my chest and butterflies in my stomach.

He let my lips go but I stole one more peck before he left completely. I pressed my fingers to my lips like the last time.

"I wanted to see if you'd run away like the last time." he joked.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay." he chuckled.
"I'm getting in the way of yours and Lucas's relationship, aren't I?" I asked.
"No, I don't think I see anything happening with him. I just tried to see if he'd help me get over someone I wanted that I didn't think wanted me back."
"So I'm in the way of you and that person?" I frowned.
"You are that person." he snickered.
"I am?!"
"Yes." he laughed.
"But...But I didn't...But I thought...But..."

"I didn't think you liked men. You kissed me and then ran out of the room. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by telling you that I liked it because I was afraid you didn't. So I kept it to myself but I do like you..." his hand held my face then brushed my hair out of my eyes.

I tried not to smile like a fool but I knew I was doing a terrible job at hiding it.

"You're cute." he smiled.
I looked at my blanket while struggling to contain my smile.
"You should be tired, I'll let you rest. Please keep your ankle high." he instructed then stood out of my bed.
I quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. He bent over me as I sat and I held his face in my hands.
" more?"

He smiled and put our lips back together.

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