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"S-say it again, please Riku ?"

"No-no i don't mean it, i was never supposed to say it-"

Riku was about to stand up and go somewhere else but was pulled back down gently by Sunghoon.

"Okay, okay. We won't force you but stay. It's okay."

Riku just sat back down properly and bit her nails as she watched the guys continue their game. She felt weirded out. Why did she say that ? Of course, she did enjoy their presence but loved it...? Riku was on the verge of tears as she didn't know what to do.


The guys were practicing again while another female staff helped Riku to the bathroom. Riku was relieved that the manager was busy lately so she didn't have to see her for the time being. She was just about to wash her hands when the staff stood behind her and stared into her eyes through the mirror.

"You're really nothing you know that ? You have been seriously burdening everyone here ever since you came."

Riku was pissed off already by the fact that many of the staff treated her like shit when she was just trying to survive and finish living her life.

"No I'm not. The boys all said that I'm their motivation. I'm at least precious to them."

The staff scoffed and just dragged her out of the room while giving her another bash of words. 

"They're just saying that to make you feel better because all you do is give everyone a headache by crying and causing unwanted troubles. All you want is freedom right ?"

They arrived in front of the practice room and the staff gripped harder on Riku's hand, making her wince in pain.

"Then do all of us a favour. Instead if running away, just kill yourself. There's no one in this world who cares for you anymore. You seriously have nowhere to go anyways."

The staff smirked and pushed Riku in the practice room while she continued her duties. RIku just stood in the room with the door closing behind her. The company lady was right. Where was she even trying to run to ? Who was waiting for her ? Literally no one.

"Riku ? You okay ?"

Riku snapped out of her thoughts for her second when she heard Sunoo from a far.

"Yeah ! I just had an upset stomach..."

She smiled and sat back down at her spot while hugging the elephant plush she brought along. The guys carried on with their practice while Riku hid her face behind the plush. She didn't have the energy or mood to cry. But the staff's words definitely kept repeating in her head.


For the next few weeks, the guys were busy but only realized how quiet Riku was. She would always zone out and not cry anymore. Her leg was healing well but she still can't walk properly. Riku only ate one meal a day lately because of the staff's attitude. She couldn't say anything about it but the boys noticed it.

They were in the waiting room while Riku was hugging the plush. That's all she was doing lately. The guys decided to spend some time with her while getting ready. Jay smiled and sat next to her. He slowly removed the plush and pulled Riku in for a hug.

Riku was startled but felt warm. She really needed this comfort for a while now. Without thinking twice, she hugged back tightly, making Jay shocked as well. Jungwon and Heeseung who were watching from afar definitely knew something was up with Riku. Jake gave Jay a signal to try and comfort her.

Jay gulped as he was not really an expert with these things. He slowly patted Riku's back and rocked her slightly, thinking what to say.

"Something happened while we were busy, right ?"

RIku just shook her head and looked around to see if the mean staff were in the room. Jake came up behind Jay and whispered in his ear.

"She clearly is scared of a specific someone or something. She's looking around isn't she ?"

Jay looked at Riku's expression. She looked terrified. After all the staff went out, all of the guys huddled around Riku.

"They're gone now. You can tell us."

"Tell what ?"

"Riku don't play dumb. We know someone did something bad to you. Now, tell us."

Riku had slowly told them everything from the bathroom part until the one meal per day part. The boys were looking at each other with a glare. Heeseung looked like he was going to break someone's neck, Jay was clenching a bat which was a prop and Jake glared at the door. Sunoo was giving Riku some comfort.

"Guys, calm down. You guys being this frustrated won't help Riku either way."

Sunghoon spoke up. The staff re-entered the room for touch ups. Riku was gripping onto her elephant plush as she saw the female staff from the bathroom. Sunoos stayed by her side the whole time.

"If you need to cry, go ahead. I know you're frustrated."

Riku just shook her head while Sunoo gave her a bottle with tea in it. She took it and drank it slightly.

"I'm tired of always crying..."

She mumbled under her breath where only Sunoo could hear.

"Thank you for staying strong, Riku. We'll do something about this tomorrow. Next time, you need to tell us if something like this happens"

Sunoo warned gently while standing up, fixing his outfit. The guys had no choice but to leave Riku with the staff once again. They just hope nothing bad happens while they perform.

thank you for the sweet messages <3
have a nice day !! ><

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