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They had arrived at the hotel and Riku was lying down in bed with Jay's phone in her hands, continuing the drama series. She was waiting for Jay to come out from the shower. She was really sleepy and wanted to just cuddle with the blanket and sleep, but then again Riku knew Jay would scold her.

She heard the water stop and took it as a hint to get ready to go in the shower. She stood up but forgot the phone was in her lap. The phone dropped to the floor and Riku's eyes were wide open. The door opened and revealed Jay who was in a bathrobe.

"Riku, what are you doing ?"

She quickly took the phone and looked at the screen. She saw a crack line across the phone.

"U-uhm- i- erh-"

She staggered as she held the phone in front of Jay. He took the phone and saw there was a faint crack line and sighed out deeply. He looked up to see Riku was on the verge of tears and shaking. Jay frowned and slowly put his hand on Riku's shoulder, concerned.

She flinched so hard, her hands flew up to her head as an attempt to protect herself for whatever she thought was coming.

"Hey, hey. I'm not gonna hit you or anything. It's fine, the crack is really faint- hey Riku ?"

Jay panicked as her knees dropped to the floor and she was shouting out multiple 'sorry's with her hand clenched in front of her. Jay crouched down and hugged her, calming her down.

"I'I-m sorry ! I'll not do it a-again"

Riku couldn't speak properly as he hugged Jay back tightly.

"You don't have to be sorry for every small mistake you make... It's not much of a big deal anyways... Just know, you can always ask us for help okay ? Don't do things by yourself from now on..."

Riku nodded vigorously while hiccupping. Jay helped her up to the bathroom and gave her clothes along with a towel as he got dressed outside.
(don't think of anything else yall-)


There was only one bed and Jay was about to sleep on the floor but Riku stopped him. Riku placed a bolster in between them and dragged Jay up the bed.

"You're gonna hurt your back if you sleep on the floor..."

She said pouting while turning to the other side. In Jay's eyes, he could see that Riku felt guilty not just because of the phone incident but also for almost letting him sleep on the floor.

"Riku, I know you feel guilty. Then how about this. Behave while we finish up shoots for this week. All of us are tired, so we don't really have time to entertain you or deal with that sick attitude. You can talk with the staff in that case."

Jay said before turning the other side and tried to fall asleep. Riku lifted her head and glanced at Jay who was turned the other way.

He's right. It's the least she could do to make it up to them.

The next day they had a shoot outdoors where they had to shoot a running scene. RIku sat down at a bench which was quite far away. There was a staff member chatting with her while they ate snacks. The staff member suddenly got up and looked around.

He took Riku's hand and pulled her away from the shooting scene. Riku was confused but just followed since the boys said to always listen to the staff if anything happens. For some reason they started running.

"W-wait !! Where are we going !?"

Riku shouted as she tried to let go of his hand. They stopped at a bus stop and the staff held her shoulders.

"Look, I get that you don't want you to be here. So how about I do you a favour and help you get out of here. The Enhypen members might see you as their possession but all the staff here thinks it's risky to have you around. So you're free to go. Take the bus and just leave. Here."

He said giving Riku her small backpack and his wallet and phone in the bag.

"Take these and run."

"W-what- But-!!"


Riku glanced back and saw that Jake was running towards them. She looked at the staff member who was pushing her to run.


Riku held her tears, wore the bag and started running. She didn't know where she was running but all she knew was that people were staring at her. Riku ran as fast as she could and ended up in a town. She didn't know where he was, so she stopped.

Riku stood outside a convenience store and looked around. The sky was turning grey as it was getting late and guessing it was about to rain too since she felt the cold wind. She saw a clue. The signboards had japanese characters on them.

Are they perhaps in...

She casually started walking down the streets where people were just to hear what language they were speaking. Riku smiled as she realised they were in Japan. Luckily she knew how to speak japanese from her dad. She walked down a few paths and ended up at a small park.

She took out the phone that was given by the staff member and looked at her location. Reality struck her.

Where does she go now ?

hallo hallo how are yall doing ?? ><

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