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It became really awkward the next day. The members did try to get along and understand each other which led to Riku being almost ignored. Jungwon was certainly pissed off but he seemed a little calmer today. ‘Almost’ because the only people who were taking care of Riku were the staff.

They were the ones helping her move around and giving her light snacks from time to time. I tried approaching Jungwon to try and say sorry because I felt really guilty. I don’t even know what I did wrong but I’m just going to apologize. I ask a staff member to help me push the wheelchair towards Jungwon.

I was grateful that she was really nice.

She pushed me outside the small dressing room and to the shooting area. It was quite windy. She left me there with Jungwon and went away to continue her work.

“I-I’m sorry for how I was behaving. I should have appreciated the help you’ve given me…”

I said while hugging my arms to try and warm myself up as I was cold. He sighed and crouched down to my level,  took off the coat he was wearing and wrapped it around my shoulders. I then heard him mumble something under his breath that made me feel really bad.

“I’m sorry for snapping at you like that. All I did was just try to help you.”

It was a quiet atmosphere, only wind and directors in the background were heard. He then stood up and pushed me back into the room. 

“You’re not angry anymore, right ?”

I asked, fiddling with the hem of the coat. 

“No, but can you not do that again ? I mean like telling you want to go somewhere else. I promise we’ll take good care of you. I owe you a lot, Riku.”

He said while pushing me through the door. He tried to spark up a conversation with me after he sat down. It was pretty awkward but he told me a few things about him.

10 minutes later, everyone had to get indoors because it was raining and they had to postpone the shoot. Some of the members were drenched as they ran from the hill to the small dressing room.

(yesh, fyi it's the shoot for the theme of this book cover.)

The staff members had gone into the bigger room since they were a majority of the group. Everyone was busy warming up and changing out of their wet clothes. 

Somehow, after Sunghoon was done he wrapped his arms around me and patted my back. We could hear soft chatters and rain pouring. It comforted me and made me go on sleep and not disturb mode.

(get it ? because do not disturb usually means your phone is on silent mode no matter the number of notifications you get- anyways moving on-)


It went to night time and the shoot was going to be continued tomorrow since it was still raining. Around 6 pm when the rain looked like it was to stop, all of them took the chance to run back to the I-LAND building.

Sunghoon carried Riku in his arms while Sunoo held a big umbrella over them. Riku was again woken up by Sunghoon for dinner. She got up and went to have a quick shower since her clothes were wet too.

She went downstairs with her hair still wet. Ni-Ki saw her and pulled her into the styling room. He took Riku's meal and gave it to her as he started drying her hair.

"It's cold outside yet you don't even care. You're already sick enough, don't do it again. If you're tired just call one of us to help you dry your hair."

She nodded while taking a bite of her food. Ni-Ki spun the chair around so he could dry her bangs. Riku swore she wanted to kill Ni-Ki for making her hair go in her eyes. Ni-Ki just laughed as he enjoyed teasing her.


Surprise, surprise. It was still raining. They really couldn't do anything as the weather forecast showed that it was going to rain the whole day. After I woke up, I washed up and went down to see them randomly dancing to songs.

They greeted me and I went to sit in the corner. Jake hopped over to my side and ruffled my hair.

tch, what's everyone's obsession with my hair ?

"don't you guys at least have indoor shoots as well ?"

"well, according to the director we are doing that some place else because this place doesn't really have much lighting and the concept is way off"

"Is the place far away ?"

"yup another country but you don't need to worry your pretty little head about it."

"s-so we are riding the plane again ?"

"yeah, but it's okay. You have us."

Riku could feel goosebumps as she heard Jake mention the word 'us'. Later that day, she was just lying in bed reading a thick comic book Ni-Ki lended her. 

The others felt bad for leaving her like that while they went to shoot vlogs for their youtube channel so they let her read something. She found tge book interesting but her eyes were slowly shutting down.

20 minutes later, Hesseung came in and saw Riku fall asleep while reading. He removed the book from her hands and tucked her in properly. He turned on the small night light and switched off the main light

"sweet dreams"

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