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Riku felt someone dragging her out of the water and throwing her to someone. She realised it was too late to run now. Someone tossed her over their shoulder and brought her in. She knew this hair. It was Jake, clenching his teeth.


"Shut up if you don't want us to cut that sly tongue of yours."

Jay whispered as he passed the two. Riku covered her mouth in shock. These were definitely not the guys she knew. It was almost 9 pm and she saw that the cameras were still rolling. She's guessing they were on break.

Before she could do anything else, she felt herself being tossed to the floor at the huge outdoor balcony they had.

"You stay here and don't come back in. If the other staff members see you, you're gonna get a surprise in the morning."

Jake said, crouching down to her level and lifting up her chin to meet her teary eyes.

"Aww, poor little sweetheart. You're still not done with the incident from 4 days ago ? Such a pity."

He scoffed and smiled. He sarcastically waved and closed the door behind him, locking it. Riku hugged herself, still not believing the situation. It was freezing out on the balcony. She heard laughter and screams from downstairs.

She desperately crawled to the glass railing to see that they were still shooting. She panicked and cried with a hand over her mouth to cover her sobs.


It was the next morning and Riku's was practically like a dead body. Her skin was pale with lips blue as ice. Someone quickly unlocked the door and ran to get her inside. It was Sunoo. Riku woke up and clung onto him, trying to get warm.

He brought her back to their room. As soon as they stepped into the room, it felt warm. They turned up the heater in the room and Sunghoon had wrapped her with multiple blankets, even giving her hot tea to drink.

"What the hell were you thinking last night ! You shouldn't test Jake and Jay's patience next time !"

"I-im s-sorry-sorry-"

She burst into tears while Sunghoon calmed her down.

“The two are mad but don’t worry, we don’t treat you even worse after just because of last night’s incident. We’ll still love you the same.”

ill give you a better chapter tomorrow because its 2 am TT <\3

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