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On the bus, Riku was really sleepy. All of them only slept around 4 hours because they had to leave earlier. She was sitting next to Jake who was reading a book. He really has insomnia doesn't he ?

Jake saw that Riku was really sleepy and kept trying to open her eyes. He looked at the other members who were already knocked out and even snoring. He put his book down and pulled Riku into his embrace. Riku was shocked by the sudden affection but hugged him back, knowing she'll need it.

Jake suddenly leaned in to kiss her forehead.

"Don't try to stay awake, just sleep. You're going to be even more tired once we get back home."

"Why did you kiss-"

"You looked too cute."

Jake whispered into her ear. Riku glared at him, making him chuckle. Riku sighed and closed her eyes, feeling her body shutting down.


"I swear this girl needs to be fed properly, she feels like a stick."

Riku woke up and felt her body was in the air, as if she was being carried. She panicked and tried to get down. She looked up and sighed in relief to see that it was just Jay.

"Y-you can put me down now-"

"Oh, be quiet you little puff."

"A puff- YOU-"

Before Riku could continue, Jay had placed her down on the living room couch. The other members just laughed at Riku's glare towards Jay. He somehow felt intimidated by her. RIku stood up and got her luggage from the manager.

She looked at the manager with feared eyes. Riku quickly took her things and ran into her room, breathing heavily. She didn't want to remember that incident so she took a towel and ran into the bathroom. She turned on the hot water and tried to remember more joyful things instead.

For the rest of the day, all of them only played around casually or even slept since they had more things to do tomorrow.


They were all in the practice room including Riku. She was just watching them stretch. Come to think of it, it has been a while since she has run or even done any extreme activities other than just walking. It had been almost 5 months with them and yet she can't even walk on her own.

Just then Ni-Ki went next to her and made her stand up.

"Follow what I do. You'll feel better then."

He started teaching me an easy dance. We were halfway and I was having quite the fun. But it was interrupted by Jungwon pulling Riku back and sitting her back on the floor.

"Riku is injured yet you still want to have your fun ?! Give her a break."

Riku looked at Ni-Ki mouthing, 'it's okay'. Jungwon warned her one more time and they carried on with practice.


It was lunch time and Riku had eaten a small bento. She stayed with the hyung line while the maknae line went for a dress fitting. Riku was clinging onto Sunghoon's hand as the two watched Jay and Heeseung play Nintendo. It was normal now for Riku to give and receive sudden affections. It felt really comforting somehow.

"Someone looks happy today."

Jake chuckled.

"I enjoy being around you guys nowadays. It's very cozy."

Riku said smiling. She then realised what she had said and covered her mouth. All of them stopped what they were doing and looked at each other then back at Riku.

"What did you say ?"

sorry for the short chapter, 
something really made upset me today.

just one thing, can people not be ghost followers ? 

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