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Ever since the incident where the staff asked Riku to run away, the boys had gotten a little protective and only let their manager talk to me and give me company. Other than that, they couldn't trust the other staff members since most of them were new faces every single day.

"Riku, did he say anything weird to you ?"

Riku shocked her head and turned off the Nintendo.

"And you. Are you new here ? Don't you know some rules that were set ?"

"Yes, I'm quite new around here so I'm not really sure-"

"Then make sure you know or we'll have you fired next time."

Sunghoon barked back as he helped her up and walked Riku to the bus. She looked back to see that the members that were there were somewhat scolding the staff but she wasn't too sure.

"Don't worry about them. Did he start it first ?"

"Well, I was just playing Nintendo and the manager asked me to wait for a little while since she had to get a key for her room too."

Sunghoon hummed and went up the bus after Riku. They sat in our original seats where Riku's backpack and elephant stuffie was. He sat Riku down and gave her his phone to entertain her while waiting for the others.

Around 15 minutes later, Riku heard them coming up the bus as they were raging about something.

"The rules we made were really simple !"

Jungwon said with a higher voice and sat down at his seat.

"I know right, they all should have gotten the message already."

Jay agreed and sat down as well.

"Seriously if something like the other day happened again i'll make sure they-"

"Guys, can we talk about this later ? Riku is right here and I'm sure she doesn't want to hear some bullshit right now."

Sunoo said while patting RIku's head before sitting down on the seat behind her. All of them just sighed out loud in frustration and waited for the driver.

"Let's just fire that staff. He's-"

"U-um, can you not do that please ? I mean, it's not h-his fault after all-"

"Riku, who's side are you actually on ? Why are you backing that guy up ? So you can escape again-"

"NISHIMURA RIKI. THAT'S ENOUGH. She's right afterall. Don't go too far with this. We stopped it before anything happened right ?"

Heeseung shouted as he warned all of them. Riku then knew she should not say anything at all. Especially in times like this when they were angry and possessive. Sunghoon pulled her in for a small comforting hug as he saw Riku was shaking.

"Don't worry, just calm down."


Once they got back from dinner, Ni-Ki came into Riku and Jungwon's room. He sat one the bed next to Riku who was watching something on tv. Confused, she sat up wondering why Ni-Ki was here late at night.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay..."

"But seriously though. Try not to interact with the staff too much. After that incident, we don't really want to lose you anymore. Besides, let your legs heal completely beforehand."

Riku just nodded while Ni-Ki stood up. He hugged Riku one last time before leaving the room. Jungwon came up to her and gave her his hoodie since the room was quite cold and blankets weren't enough.

"Sleep first, I'm gonna take a quick shower."

Riku wore the hoodie and fell asleep immediately. It was a tiring day afterall. All they did was travel here and there non-stop. She was sick and tired of it too.


The next day, Riku stayed in the room while the boys continued with their schedule. The members noticed how exhausted she was so they just let her stay in the room. It was around 7 pm and the manager had just brought dinner for her. She stayed with Riku for a little bit before packing up to leave again.

"When are they coming back ?"

"In around two hours. Stay here okay ? I'll be leaving now."

The manager said leaving and locking the door behind her. Riku just sighed and stood u to get some water. But when she stood up, she felt sharp pain stabbing her left ankle making her fall down and bumping her head onto the chair leg. She groaned in pain not knowing the cause.

She tried to sit up but couldn't as she felt her body go through so much pain. Riku tried to use support from the things around her to get up but couldn't. She was panicking and crying out loud, not knowing what to do. In the end she just stayed on the floor while hugging her knees.

She desperately pulled her blanket off the bed which dragged her elephant plush along. Riku suddenly laid down as she felt her energy raining. She wrapped herself in the blanket and tried to calm down. This was a bad idea of leaving Riku all alone.

hey yall !! I decided to upload this today and its almost 1 am-
because tomorrow i'll be quite busy and might upload late so yeah-
and also thank you for the compliments from the previous chapter about my room <3

yall are so cheesy and sweet >///<

anyways, i'll see you soon !! baii

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