Start from the beginning

Rose! Please don't die! Your- your all I have... Wait why does it feel like I've been hit by a hippogryph? Wait... Peck! That bastard! He- yea! He's the reason, he beat the shit out of me... But- I heard a scream... What are they doing to her!? I need to get out of this dungeon- wait... My head felt as if it was laying on a soft pillow... Not a hard wood, filthy, bloodstained floor... My body felt- bandaged? But... How? "I don't understand... How could anyone let this happen to their child?" I heard a very familiar voice whisper... It seemed so distant... But I wanted to reach the voice! It felt so warm and comforting... "We all knew he was a sick fuck... After the war, if he stayed normal id be impressed..." I heard another voice mumble bitterly. I wanted to open my eyes but it felt as if they weighed a hundred pounds. I wanted to speak, but it felt as if something was lodged in my throat. "How's Hermione?" I heard the warm voice ask. "Horrible... She's been locked in Roses bedroom for days, crying..." My eyes shot open at the mention of her name. "Where is she!?" I whispered hoarsely. My heart beating extremely fast, I was sitting up and looking everywhere, my entire body shaking with shock. I couldn't breath. "Where- where is she!?" I asked again, only seeing white. I blinked a few more times, and my eyes finally adjusted... I was- in the hospital wing? In Hogwarts... And Harry Potter and- Ron Weasley were at the side of my bed... Mr. Weasley looked like he hadn't slept for days... And Mr. Potter looked just as bad, dark circles under the eyes, black, greying hair more tussled than usual. "Where- where is she?" I pleaded, needing to know where she was. I need to tell her I'm sorry! That I love her more than anything... That everything is my fault! Mr. Weasley dropped his face in his hands and said nothing, and Mr. Potter looked like he was holding back tears. "I was- I was going to try to find out what Malfoy was really up to. And then once I apperated on the lawn of Malfoy Manor, I got a message from the Headmistress that the HB and HG were missing... I remember running into the Manor- all I saw was Rose on the floor- a pool of blood surrounding her- but Dolohov apperated! And- he took Rose with him... We managed to arrest Jake Peck before he escaped, and we found you in the dungeon before it was too late..." He whispered, not meeting my eyes.. She's gone... I gripped my hair and began to pull, my body breaking down completely. "DAMN IT!" I bellowed, my body shaking in rib rattling sobs. My eyes were shut tightly as I let all the pain wrap around my body. My fucking fault! If you just told- if you just went with Harry in the first place- fucking Merlin! She's gone! You don't deserve her! She's going to die and it's all your fucking fault! "You- you love my daughter..." I heard someone whisper in shock. I looked up through my angry tears to see Ron Weasley had paled. He was staring at me with wide eyes, shock written over his freckled face. I continued to run my hand through my long blonde hair. "It's my fault! I wasn't- I wasn't strong enough! He- he had a wand and- I'm so sorry! I should have stayed away from her! But-" I broke off, unable to continue. "I love her so much..." I whispered... "Scorpius... We can still find her." Harry said firmly, looking at me as if I was some recently discovered creature. I wiped my face and looked up at the men. "You said you arrested Peck?" I asked, hope building in my system. They nodded their heads. "He knows! He knows what's happening- they want revenge. Your the one who put him in prison, taking him away from his family. So he is going to get revenge! Rose is just the start- soon all of the Weasleys will be in danger. We can't let this happen-" I said hoarsely, trying to contain my emotions that continued to spill out of me. They both looked rather confused, as if not entirely sure what was going on "How did he even get in the castle? There's no where for him to hide..." Harry mumbled, his face contorted into thought. I began to think of everything, anything that could answer our questions... I just want Rose back, I want her safe... Mr. Weasleys eyes widened, and he hit Harry on the arm. "How does this not sound familiar to you... Azkaban break out, breaking into Hogwarts? Doesn't show up on the map? Harry! Combine our sixth year with the war and I'd say history is almost repeating itself..." He whispered, Harry's eyes widened in surprise. "What!? Tell me!" I pleaded, wanting to know what they were talking about. "He must have been using the cupboard! And he was hiding in the room of requirement the entire time! Damn it!" Mr. Potter yelled, running a hand through his hair. All I felt was confused, what cupboard? . Mr. Weasley jumped out of his seat, and began to run out of the hospital wing. Both Mr. Potter and I began to follow. "Where are we going!?" I called after their quickly retreating figures. Mr. Potter stopped walking and turned around, his eyes filled with a sparkle that had to be hope. "You aren't going anywhere. Your too weak, Scorpius. But we think we know where they are hiding Rose." He said firmly. "Why can't I go!? I'm fine!" I said loudly, feeling more energized than I have in days at the thought of finding her. He hesitated, "Scorpius- look at you." He said, looking at my body. I looked down and was surprised I wasn't wearing a shirt, and that my midsection was heavily bandaged, I was barefoot with pajama pants. "Please, Mr. Potter. I love her too..." I pleaded. We were eye level, and staring at each other intently. He sighed heavily, "fine." He said, waving his wand and conjuring me up a black t-shirt, black jeans, and boots. He pulled a wand out of his back pocket. "This is Pecks, we couldn't find your wand in the house. This will have to do." He said heavily, handing me the wand. "I'm going to use this, Mr. Potter. And when we are done, I'm going to break it in half in front of his face." I whispered, meaning every word. I was surprised by the smirk on his face, "get dressed, and quickly. We are going to knockternalley." He said firmly, and I nodded in agreement, more than ready to get my girl back.

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