The Impostor - One Hundred Poems #19 (#100)

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The Impostor (An acrostic)

(NehpetsEnal) #100

There is some truth in this poem

How many times have I told myself I'm an impostor

Each time I put pen to paper and author a poem

I don't truly believe that what is written is poetry

My subconscious feels that it should be more like the stuff I read at school

Proper words, proper grammar, and Ph.D. in elocution

Over the recent months, I've worked hard to overcome this mentality

Self-doubt is probably the true root cause of my anxiety

Trying too hard to make my mark, in what was an alien place

Only wish I knew then what I know now

Right at my core, there is a poet, I just didn't know it

Why? PoetsPub 2021 Achievement Hunter ChallengeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon