A Hair-Raising Perspective - One Hundred Poems #17 (#98)

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A Hair-Raising Perspective

(NehpetsEnal) #98

What is it with this guy

You'd think I was his mortal enemy

He attacks me with a razor

And does so, at least once a day

There seems to be no escape

I am constantly in search of the light

All the arduous work is turning me grey

And after years of effort have found novel places to grow

I have discovered how I can craftily grow in the shadow of an ear

Or snuggle up inside of his nostrils

Oh, and the one he hates most is on his nose

And on his toes, but he doesn't seem to care about those

The strangest thing is, he goes to the hairdresser's every few weeks

Where he has me cut very short on the sides

It's so funny, they always talk about how I'm getting thinner

Just like I wasn't there

The crazy thing is, if they left me alone, he'd have more

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