Achievement #36 - The Shortest Friendship.

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The Shortest Friendship

The truth is, I do not know if I'm his favourite.

Even though we have been together for many years.

I'm green, well I used to be.

And not around the ears because I'm, worn elsewhere.

But you will not be surprised to hear I'm not a cabbage.

Apart from his underpants, I have spent the most time next to his skin.

There was a time when I was, treated with the utmost respect.

I came out in the sun, stood by the barbecue, visited the park and the beach.

However, I'm worn when there is a dirty chore to be done.

Even though I'm, washed every week, I'm irreversibly stained.

The grime has dyed my fibres, and I'm no longer completely green.

Anyway, I can't hang around here all day talking there is, work to be, done.

If nothing else, I'm most definitely his favourite pair of shorts.

You see, he has even written a short story about me.

I'm ready, and here he comes, well roll on winter, at least there is a little respite.

F/N: I purchased three pairs of these shorts, many years ago, one coloured green, one blue and one brown, the green pair were, without doubt, my favourite. Therefore they have paid a heavy price, but I won't let them go to short heaven, they are still so comfortable when working in the garden.

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