Achievement #61 - Our Choice

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Our Choice

When it comes right down to it

There really is no contest

So, first, it's off to the Bakery

For a fresh, a traditional loaf of crusty bread

Next, it's the Deli, for some, extra mature crumbly Cheddar

Straight from the dairy farm next door

That's also where we get the freshly churned butter

Don't forget, it's extra salty, nothing too healthy

That would be boring

Fetch an onion, straight from the garden

Peel and slice by hand, it's worth it

Even if you get a few tears in your eyes

Got to be rings, it leaves more zing

Lay the loaf out on the breadboard

Cut off a couple of doorstep thick slices

Oh boy, you can't beat the smell of freshly baked bread

Spread them with lashings of fresh butter

Slice that cheese, it's not right if it doesn't crumble

Place atop the butter, with a degree of affection

Coat liberally with overlapping layers of onion rings

Sprinkle to taste with crunchy sea salt and black pepper

Use the second slice of bread, as a blanket

And put the whole lot to bed

Pour yourself a glass of natural cider

All you need now is a shaded seat in the garden

So you can sit and admire that cheese and onion sandwich

Rest assured it won't be there long.


If that doesn't make your mouth water, I don't know what will, God I'm now starving.

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