Achievement # 28: The Soulmates

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The Soulmates

The star-crossed lovers had not met for centuries.

The excited couple was overjoyed when meeting at the pearly gates.

The chance of this was near impossible.

The population was nearing eight billion.

The words a trillion began to flow.

The time that passed they did not know.

The queue behind them just grew and grew.

The gatekeeper's role was in turmoil.

The maker's fingers snapped.

The rude couple was returned to earth with a splash.

The pigsty was the last place they would choose to spend a lifetime but.

The grunting couple was as happy as pigs in s**t.

F/N: This is my first poem for July and its nature has determined that each of my poems written for this month, will where possible begin with the word 'The'.

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