Achievement #52 - The Bluebells Toll

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The Bluebells Toll

It is spring and the Bluebells toll

As a crimson red sun crests the horizon

The morning dew rests like tears upon new blades of fresh green grass

The last pearls of white snow, have drifted away

Replaced by golden yellow daffodils, now shivering in the breeze

The silver bark of the birch tree, curls, and falls

To join its rotting brown leaves, shed in late autumn

It's part of nature's life cycle, the fat pink worms proliferate

The world turns, the sky darkens and nature rests in the black of night


This poem started life as a fire alarm, I find it strange how this re-evolved so fast, for when looking back, you see how quickly the four seasons have passed.

The same could be said of this poem, one minute it's appears to be a difficult challenge, and, in a flash, you've reached your pre-set target of eight colours, but you feel frustrated because you have so much more to say.

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