I think I'm Lost- One Hundred Poems #16 (#97)

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I think I'm Lost

(NehpetsEnal) #97

You know I just can't see the wood for the trees anymore

I awoke this morning there was a cat crying in my yard

Sounds awful, but I shouted, shut up you retard

What's the point I'm trying to make

I don't like to think I'm prejudiced in any way

But here I am calling a cat, a retard as some kind of abuse

Well, that got me thinking if I used it this way

Then surely it reflects upon some negative connotation, held in my brain

It may not be a conscious thought

But somewhere deep in my subconscious, a demon must lurk

And sadly, I do not have any control over these abortions

It's left me with a nasty taste in my mouth

One that I don't like and wish it to be expunged from my memory

But without a lobotomy, this is not possible

So, I will have to do my best to live with the knowledge

That although suppressed, I unwillingly hold onto some prejudice

And learn to think more, before I speak, even to myself

To help reduce the positive reinforcement of negative thoughts

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