Achievement #62 - Our Chimney

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Our Chimney

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Our Chimney

Our Chimney

The growling flames roared like a lion

Our parents were running around in a panic

They were worried one of our nosey neighbours

Might call the Fire Brigade

If they did, a hefty price would be paid

We were supposed to be afraid

But we were full of excitement, running barefoot in the snow

Watching the plume of grey-black smoke

Spiraling into the sky, from our chimney

Forming a huge dark cloud in the street

I can still smell the scent

Of that acrid burning soot

Like it was only yesterday

You can be sure of one thing

It was the hottest our house got all winter

I can see my dad, touching the walls

Using the palms of his hands as a thermometers

Making sure the heat wasn't penetrating the bricks

And getting hot enough, to scorch the wallpaper

We still laugh and joke about it to this day


This is a true story, it was an embarrassing time for many a family,who tried to save a few shillings, by not having their chimneys swept clean,every summer.

The picture above, is pretty much what ours looked like the next day, after the fire had burnt itself out

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