Achievement #7: Why?

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Why was I surprised by our first kiss?

You remember. the one where you took me from behind.

First, like curtains your hands fell over my eyes.

Then moving from one ear to the other you whispered happy birthday, this is the excuse I need.

Then smooth as silk, your hands slipped slowly down my cheeks.

Once upon my shoulders, you wound yourself around me, binding me like a rope.

We were face to face, you had sat on my lap, trapped in a seat, from which there was no escape.

You smiled and said, cheetah legs, this time there is nowhere to run.

I smelt the warm sweetness of your breath, caress my nose.

I watched those pursed rosy lips coming, but this time I could not resist.

The goose pimples on my arms rose like mountains.

The hairs on my neck prickled as I felt the faintest touch of your lips on mine.

Wave after wave of shivers ran up and down my spine, when our lips meet in a kiss.

I remember that moment as if it were yesterday.

And cannot wait for the tomorrow, that never came.

For I did not realise then, that we were meant to spend a lifetime together.

See you later alligator.

Why? PoetsPub 2021 Achievement Hunter ChallengeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ