Achievement #43 - The Fractal

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The Fractal

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The Fractal

Rumour has it that I'm a perfect example of a fractal

If you could accurately measure my edges, they would stretch to the moon and back

But all we know for sure is that this is pure math and theoretical

However, my best feature is, that I have no front nor back

So, even though I may pitch upon your nose

We will in fact, never come, face to face

I am most often seen in winter when I'm considered prettier than a white rose

It is also true that my descendants are older than the human race

And remember the power of this tiny snowflake

The next time you zip along those mountainous ski slopes

It should be a timely reminder that you can't eat and keep your cake.

I may be pristine and white, but for a greener world, I also have high hopes


What a cute way to way to remind us of our environmental responsibilities, not that we should need one, what with all the ecological disasters and emergencies we are all facing one way or another.

So, I would like a show of hands from all of you that care. 🖐

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