Achievement #49 - The Forgotten Cascade

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The Forgotten Cascade

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The Forgotten Cascade

Wherever a waterfall may cascade

The world is full of magic

A billion sparkling water droplets on parade

Creating a world so idyllic

Feeding an oasis, where giant palms provide shade

To your secret world where angels still frolic

A place where nymphs and fairies are no longer afraid

Here unicorns now extinct in our adult world, are still free to run manic

You might even say frenzied

They live in a world without panic

Once you have visited this neural garden, an unforgettable memory is formed

This memory of another world is imprisoned but awaits revitalization, with a tonic

So, as you sit up in bed at night, supping hot milky cocoa, and partially dressed

In a time when your world has aged, and you have become more stoic

It is good to remember, that when we write for fun, the reins of long-off times are freed

And in our minds the living world becomes poetic


It is so refreshing when you allow yourself to visit yester-world, to walk beneath that waterfall, allowing your childhood fantasies to cascade over you, washing away those years of silt, that clouds your memories.

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