I'm always indifferent really, I'm never sure of what to feel, it doesn't help to think with feelings, I never have, I can't. Her strong melancholy made me think of words that would help, but all I had was truth that wouldn't make her feel better I don't think. I don't normal hold causal conversations, i do t get the point of it.

"I won't leave you," I spoke while wrapping the wound tightly to stop any further bleeding. Her eyes shifted to mine when I finally looked her in the face.
She looked south like Hope, who isn't ugly at all, quite beautiful.

Normally I don't watch prisoners or try to reform them, that's always someone else's job. My team leaders say I don't have enough empathy for that, but I think I do. Not that I want to train prisoners, it's just that I can, that's the point I guess.

"The Order of Wang, has heavily suggested that you change your name, since you will be on this road to reform, by the time we're finished you won't be Karol any more. This could sound alarming but don't be afraid, the process is respectful and non invasive, we will teach you to be humble and submissive for whatever Wang Clan has in store for you," I nodded helping her up onto her feet. Much like Hope, she was short but to be fair I'm the tallest on the team, that being said, I know short when I see short. She's 4'11 maximum.

Something about her made me feel a heaviness in my chest. It felt tight and odd, I'll get to medical later on today. I'll have to be cleared for duty to remain at my post, I can't preform my duties to the fullest if my health is compromised.

She held my arm as we descended the stairs, I guided her to the kitchen where I sat her on a chair at the table. The wooden chair itself looked pretty worn down mostly with age. I believe one would call this kind of rot, a patina.

I grab the boom and start to sweep up the mable Gigi shattered. She's unpredictable. It's what I like and don't like about her. She's one of my best friends, I'm sure, but she's sporadic and sadistic when she's not served the way she wants. Her father is the same. It bothers her that she's like him, but she can't help it, it's her nature to be at least little evil, It's in her genes.

It's in all of our genes, frankly, that's why we're a team.

I dump the last full pan of broken stones into the trash, then I pull out a pot and some other stuff I found in the refrigerator.
I don't cook, in fact, Sun doesn't let me near the stove, but Karol likes to cook. I know because I read her file before we came this morning. I was curious about her then and somehow I'm still curious about her now.

I line up all of the ingredients on the avaliable counter next to the stove. I see how useful the island was before it was innocently shot to death.

"Karol?" I call out and she looks at me for a moment before I sip my Boba and press my blue hair behind my ear.

"I'm kind of hungry, can you help me make something with this?" I ask slowly. If I don't slow myself down I tend to sound angry and monotonous, that's not what I want right now.

She turns away with bloodshot eyes and pailing skin. She needs something other than this reality. It's unnerving me to see her so easily broken, when she had so much fight just this morning. I nearly asked why she felt so depressed, but boundaries reminded me to keep my paws off for now.

"Can you please try, then I'll let you rest in your bed," I bargained with her from across the room. I even smiled like I used to in middles school. As a kid I got really good at masking, and it taught me how to be pretty normal. Smile when you want something from woman, cry if you want something from a man.

It proved to work greatly as she stood up and looked at the ingredients. I moved out of her way as she took my place before the stove.

Soon I took her seat across the room when I felt comfortable enough to leave her alone with whatever she decided was good enough.
I got captivated watching her. I mistaking got stuck on her hips as they swayed then her hands as they shifted the pan and spatula. Steam rose in the air as she twirled looking for ingredients and seasonings. It was absolutely mesmerizing and one question arose quickly to my head then my lips.

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