chapter 16

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He set the camera and came towards me. He was a tall man with a moderate body built, I had never seen this man in my entire lifetime. His eyes were red, looking scary.

"Already checking out me..." He came towards me with a scowl. But I didn't react I have to be patient till I find a way out. He opened a packet which he brought with him. His every move made me shiver thinking of a painful death.

He opened the packet and throw the thing on me. That was... bread crumbs?

The bread crumbs fell everywhere on my face and body. He went out after pouring that thing on me. Did he want me to eat that bread crumbs which he had thrown on me? Maybe he would have poisoned it. I laid there eyes closed enduring all the suffocations given by the ropes.

I heard his footsteps after some minute, I opened my eyes and saw him coming with a cardboard box in his hand I can hear some wired noise from that box, I don't know what he was going to do next but I didn't show any terrified expression on my face I didn't want him to know that I am scared of him, I didn't want to see the victory smirk on his face.

He kneeled down a little away from me and placed the box there upside down. When he did that the noise coming from the box increased.

"See, what I have brought for you... Your lover boy will enjoy this once he sees this..." Saying this the psycho took the box from the floor which made its lid open and the things which he kept in the box fell on the floor near me making noise.

That was... rats... They ran towards me to eat the bread crumbs.. I tried to move away.

"Leave me... Aaahh...please...leave me..."


"Dev, are you sure? Check it once more..." The police officer said showing a picture taken from CCTV footage.

"Yes, I'm sure about that... I haven't seen this person before..." Even though the image was not that clear I can see the face of the person in the image and I'm sure that I haven't seen him before.

"Ok, we had already sent this picture to nearby police stations... And also to the city traffic police commissioner office... Now checking must have started at every checkpoint... So this person can't escape from this district..." I nodded at what he said.

"Don't worry Mr.Adhidev, now everything is under control... we will find her soon..." The officer said patting my shoulder but it didn't give me any assurance. I left the station with Raghav and Prasadh after knowing the progress of the case.

11 hours had passed since I lost her the time was already half-past ten.

"Prasadh, we need to find this person with our source, we can't waste our time..." I said to Prasadh after entering in my car. I had a copy of the picture with me.

"Everything is favoring us Dev... otherwise we won't have got this..." Raghav said sitting on the passenger seat holding one copy of the picture.

He was right because the person made sure that his image was not caught on any of the cameras. For that, he was wearing a cap that adequately hides his face. This image we got was caught on the surveillance camera of my Range Rover which was parked near the entrance of my house.

"Prasadh, have you informed our men to check the market area... from where she went missing..." I asked while driving my way back to the office. I decided to stay at the office today.

"Yeah, I'm calling them," he said before making the call. "Hello...... Yes, what is it?.............are you sure?......... Confirm it......... Yaa I'm coming".

"Sir, can you drive back to the market road... we got some information..."

"What?... Is it about the man in this picture?"

"No, actually an old woman saw a man carrying an unconscious lady in his hand... I doubt its Swapna..." The information made me took a sudden U-turn without considering the traffic signal.

"Dev... careful.." Raghav shouted from his seat.

"Put on the seat belt," I instructed them without slowing down. Every second was like a countdown for me. Every passing second was screaming at me about my failure. I failed to protect her.

We reached the market road within 10minutes. We three got out of the car after parking it for getting the answers to our unanswered questions...........

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