chapter 15

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"I don't know anything about this sir... I haven't committed any sort of crime in my lifetime... This person would be having some sort of delusional disorder for accusing me..." I'm trying to be calm and answering every question that the police officer blazing at me after reading that letter.

They even accused me of some imaginary murderer and trying hard to get the answers. It is taking every cell of me to keep calm and not smack the face of this police officer who is sitting before me. I don't want to get into more trouble because I need to find her soon its already 8 hours.. Yes, 8hours since I lost her.



I don't know why always bad things happen to me. I regained my consciousness a few hours back, I don't know exactly for how long I was tied up here. Its only darkness surrounding me, I moved around with this chair to find the door but my attempts failed every time as I reached the wall again and again.

I tried to untie the rope which was tied around my hands with the chair's armrest. And one rope was tied around my abdomen which kept me in position in this chair not able to move. My hope died a slow death every time I reached the wall. I felt like I don't have an escape, but why? Why I'm suffering like this? Who made me suffer like this? What did I do to get punished?

'Swapna, don't get worried about all this..., nothing will happen to you as long as I am with you... I won't let anything bad happen to you...'

'Swapna, don't be afraid...'

'I will be following you till you reach your home... so no one is going to harm you...'

I remember everything that Dev said to me.

That means I was kidnapped by someone to get revenge on Dev. My Dev was suffering because of me he would be blackmailed because of me. I should not have loved Dev in the first place.

Because of me he was suffering. Tears started to flow through my eyes. My cries were muffled by the tape around my mouth.

I should not sit here and cry, I need to escape.

I moved with the chair to the last side that would be a door. The rope around my abdomen was making it hard to move. I felt immense pain each time I move forward. I reached the last side without making much noise and touched the side with my foot.

The door!!

I reached the door, but how I'm going to open that? The thought again remained me about my helpless state and created a fresh stream of tears.

I tried to stand with the chair despite the immense pain the tight rope was giving me.



I slipped down with the chair getting my shoulder hurt and I fell in a side-lying position which made the rope around my abdomen tighter.

I felt like I'm going to die with that pain, I could not get up with the chair tied to me. I laid there helplessly enduring all the pain waiting for my death.

The door near me opened revealing a man but I can't see his face due to the lack of light. He might be the person who threatened Dev or might be one of some goons who did this for money. Whomever it was I'm going to die anyhow.

"Ohh my fierce cat... You are really something..." The man said kneeling before me.

"Please... leave me alone..."I cried but that was muffled by the tape into incoherent sounds.

The man started to lift me with the chair but dropped the chair in the midway giving another shot of immense pain to my shoulder.

I could only cry there bearing the pain. I'm going to die a painful death from the hands of an unknown man.

" Oops... does it hurt...?" That man said creasing my cheeks.

I feel disgusted.. Disgusted with his touch..

"Actually, I don't want to hurt you... But what to do... all this happened because of your lover boy... Don't worry I will give you some pleasure before killing you..." He said moving his hand below my neck.

I wriggled to escape from his touch but the ropes tied around gave me another fling of pain. I want to die I don't want to bear the filthy touch of a psycho.

The man stood up leaving me there and switched on the light it gave a painfully bright vision. I closed my eyes as I can't bear the bright light due to staying in dark for too long.

When I opened my eyes I saw the man setting a camera in front of me. Was he going to kill me and send that video to Dev?............

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