chapter 7

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"What the ****?" we both said at the same time.

"Yes sir... The calls are made from this location."

"Could it be someone working here...?" I asked him expressing my doubt.

"No, Adhi... I don't think so... He must have done this for misleading us." Raghav said and I believe him. He was a number one criminal lawyer, he must have encountered similar cases.

"Prasadh, what will we do next?"

"We need to get some solid evidence to trap that blackmailer... And the main thing we need to find is his real motive behind this." Prasadh said, till now that scoundrel was not leaving any clue.

"Raghav is there any possibility that the bastard behind my Aishu's death is behind all this?" I asked him what came to my mind at that moment, even though I knew I'm illogical.

"No way Dev... don't forget that court has given him multiple life sentence." Yes, he was right and no one will help him to play against Adhidev.

But, then who? I leaned back on my chair not knowing what's next.

"Sir, why can't we give a police complaint?" Prasadh asked me.

"No, we will solve this by ourself"

"But, Dev I think Prasadh is right" it made to irritated when Raghav also supported Prasadh's decision.

How could he...? Even after knowing everything.

"I'm not going to file any complaints...!"
Flash of past events went through my mind when I though about that.

"You bloody bastard I warned you and you dared to trap me with the help of police..."

"Kabir, please listen... please don't hurt her... I will give you whatever you want, please leave her..."

"Hahaha... the great Adhi Dev is pleading me, but this great Adhi Dev doesn't have any idea of what this Kabir is capable of..."

"Kabir please... don't harm her."

"Hahaha... you should have thought of this before going to the police. Don't worry I will send her back safely but not alive."


"Adhi, are you listening...?"

"What...?" I snapped out of my thoughts with Raghav's voice.

" I said, you have to tell everything to Swapna. "

"No way Raghav... she will never listen to me" 

"You have to make her understand that she is not safe sir... No matter how hard we try to protect her if she is not aware of the situation it will favor him to make it against us" Prasadh said, what did he meant by that?

"Are you saying that he will try to kidnap her?"

"I'm not sure about his real intention but there is a chance for that to happen"

"I will never let that happen" I shouted at them losing my patience throwing the laptop which I was holding.

"Dev relax if you keep on reacting like this nothing will get solved..." saying that Raghav came to me and grabbed the flower vase from my hand before could I break it.

"Then, tell me what I have to do?"

"Call her and ask her to come here..." Raghav said, can't he understand when I said she won't listen to me.

I finally made the call. I'm sure that she won't pick up and she did as I thought.

"See... she didn't pick up," I told him frustratedly.

"Give me her number..." Raghav took my phone and dialed her number from his phone. And he gave his phone to me, God what I'm going to say now.

"Hello..." I heard her voice from the other end.

" Hello... Swapna..."

"What do you want Dev...? can't you just leave me alone...?" she was in her full furious form now. God, please help me.

" Swapna, just listen to me once... It is very important I need to meet you."

"Why Dev? What have you planned this time? Do you want me to die?"

"Damm... Swapna listen to me. Someone is following you I need to save you from" she didn't let me complete.

"Enough Dev.."

"Swapna..." She hung up the call.

"Shit I told you she won't listen to me..." I said throwing his phone to him. I wanted that to broke into pieces. But that idiot caught it before it could hit the floor.

"Its OK Dev... we will meet her directly..." Raghav said.
I don't know what I'm going to do.


Next day

Continues ringing of my phone woke me up. Who the ****  was calling me this time?

"Hello" I answered the call without checking the caller ID.

"Hello, sir this is Prasadh..." why did he called at this time, was there anything wrong. My heart started to beat faster.

"Yes, tell me Prasadh..."

"Sir, our men caught someone who tried to reach Swapna mams room. He was climbing through the pipeline to get on the balcony."

"Who is he...?" I'm going to kill that f***ing bastard.

"Sir, he escaped but we got his gun"......................

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