chapter 12

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Now it's 11 am, we were following Swapna in our car at a fair distance so no one would know that were behind her.

She was in a transport bus, we were tracking her with our laptop. I hope that he will come before her today. We have to end everything by today itself, I didn't want to go with this anymore.

"Are you sure that he won't find our plan?" Raghav broke the silence.

"He won't sir... see we are 250 meters away from her... in my 2010 model old innova car among this much of vehicle... so he won't suspect us."

"What if he find out that we are following him... that will provoke him more..." Shit why he was always filled with negative thoughts. I turned my head to the window without answering his stupid questions pretending I am not listening.

"Dev, I'm asking you... Why are you so sure that he will come?"

"He will... if he is waiting for a chance that desperately and if he didn't make any attempt to harm her... then I will conclude that I am his target, not Swapna." That was the main reason behind my decision.

Because I can't even breath peacefully when someone was planning to harm the person I love. If I found that he has nothing to do with Swapna then I'm ready to endure anything that is meant for me.

"Sir, Madam got off the bus..."

"Are you sure Prasadh..., but this is not her stop," I asked again for confirmation.

"Yes, sir... it is showing as she is going to the nearby market... But sir can you please stop her... that is a crowded area it will be difficult for as to follow her in between the crowd."

"Yaa... wait I'm calling her." We stopped our car near the market road. How can she be this much irresponsible getting out of the bus and going somewhere without informing me.

"Hello, Dev..."

"Swapna what the hell are you doing...? Who told you to go there...?" I got out of my car it's really an overcrowded area I don't know how I am going to find her in between this crowd.., I never in my dreams imagined that she will be such a stupid.

"Dev... wait we are also coming." I walk through the crowd as fast as I can without waiting for them.

"Swapna where are you...? Come back right now..." I shouted through the phone.

"Dev... Dev I can't hear you?"

"Swapna... listen please tell me where you are?" I said as loudly as possible for her to hear me.

"Dev, mom called me to buy some groceries... It will take only two minutes Dev... don't get worried."

"No just... Hello... shit...!" she hang up the call. I gestured Prasadh who was behind me to come quickly. I'm going to stop this stupid plan of mine as soon as I found her

"Prasadh, where is Raghav?"

"He was just behind us sir..., looking for her..."

"OK, just tell me what location is showing now."

"Sir, it is showing the narrow road on the left side... but that side doesn't have any shops."

"What...? Why did she go there...?" I rushed to the place he said. My phone vibrated with Raghav's call at that time.


"Dev come to the narrow road on the left side... Come fast..."

"Hello..." He ended the call... Did he found her? God, please he must have found her.

I reached the narrow end but Raghav was the only one standing there I didn't see anyone else.

"Raghav, what is it..? Have you seen Swapna..? See this place is showing in the location tracker..." He didn't answer any of my questions. Instead, he was looking at me with a plain face.

"Tell me damm it..."

"I found the phone... which Prasadh has given her." He said showing the old model phone which Prasadh gave her to track her location. "Along with her handbag..."

"WHAT...?" No, nothing would have happened to her, she must have lost this, she will be waiting for me near my car, chanting this repeatedly I walk towards my car.

They were both calling my name to stop me but I don't have any time to stop there and listen to what they were saying.

She was not there, she was not near my car I felt like I have lost the last drop needed for my survival, I felt blank, I felt lost.

"Dev, she will be fine... we will find her... don't worry come sit in the car..." Raghav ran towards me saying these words but I was standing there numb, I cannot understand the things happening around me I cannot comprehend his words.............

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