chapter 13

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What went on me? I feel dizzy and my head is hurting like hell. I don't know how long I slept, did I slept for that long to forget about myself and my surrounding.

I don't know when I slept but now I can't open my eyes because of this headache. The only thing I recall now was the things which Dev said when I met him, he even confessed his feelings for me and then I have gone to a market, I don't remember anything else and I don't know what happened at the market.

Did I fell unconscious? Maybe Dev would have driven me home, why I'm feeling like flying? Ah.. who is this..., someone sprayed water on my face, the person was tapping on my cheeks maybe to wake me up, but I can't open my eyes.

With this continuous struggle between me and my eyes, I finally opened my eyes. Where am I now? I couldn't see anything.
I could see only blurred images, that was a man who woke me up but I couldn't see his face, my blurred vision was not helping me with that.

Then only I realized that I was sitting on a chair. Why I was seated on a chair? It feels very uncomfortable. The person removed my dhuppatta, why was he doing that? But I could only feel things, I couldn't react or protest to it.

The person had gone with my dupatta. I don't know what he was going to do with that piece of cloth. The strong effect of something maybe some medication was forcing be to drift back in to sleep. But again the sound of footsteps approaching me made me awake.

This time I again forced open my eyes striving for a clear vision but I was again gifted with the blurred images. I winced in pain when a sharp object pierced through my skin I felt like drawing my blood by inserting a sharp needle.

"Who...who are you?"I tried to sound strong but it came out as a mere whisper.

"The devil you are searching for."


Its been five hours, fu***** five hours I should not have done this to her.

Here I was walking around my office like a lunatic I don't know what I'm going to do next. I had already informed Raghav to file a complaint. I should have done this before things got worse, but now it is already late.

"Dev... I directly approached the commissioner of police...We don't have any time to waste by filing a complaint at the local police station..."

"Raghav, I don't know what I'm going to do next... I don't even have a single clue about this person... I'm totally helpless..." I was in my most vulnerable state. I don't have to wear the mask of arrogance and confidence because he knows the real me.

"Dev, don't worry... Prasadh with his team is searching for her.., also by now police team would have started handling this case... We are doing everything that we can please have faith in my words..."

Even though Raghav's words were comforting, my brain was repeatedly playing the past events where I lost my Aishu 'memory is a curse when you remember every minute details of the past' I'm cursed. I cannot let the history repeat, I'm not going to sit here and waste my time anymore.

"Dev, what are you doing?" Raghav's question raised when I took out my personal revolver, I have a license.

"Going to find her..."

"Dev stop, that would be dangerous... we don't know whether that is a single person or a gang behind this..."
He blocked me before I could exit my cabin. The nerve of him.

"Will you sit here counting the stars if your girlfriend is the one who got kidnapped," I said stressing on each word. His answer came after a lengthy silence.

"Then, I'm also coming with you."

"OK let's..." my phone rang interrupting the conversation. " it's my mom."

"Attend that."

"Hello maa."

"Adhi are you busy dear."

"No maa. What is it?"

"Beta a parcel came to your name and I received it, do I need to send that to your office."

"Wait a minute maa, I will tell you" putting the call on hold I informed this to Raghav.

"Ask her about the sender address."

I put the call on the speaker before asking as Raghav said.
"Beta there is no sender address in this."

"Then it must from the kidnapper" Raghav mouthed.

"OK maa, I will send my PA to bring it to my office." Saying this I disconnected the call. It won't be a good idea to open that parcel at home as I can't predict what would be it.

I don't want to panic my mom she had already gone through a lot.
I seated myself on the couch before losing my balance I really don't want to think something bad about this parcel thing, but my mind was not helping me with that. May be due to the bad vibes I started to hyperventilate......

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