Chapter 46: A Beach Barbeque

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It was already the second half of the game against the Mary Times

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It was already the second half of the game against the Mary Times. However, Lily noticed how Candence was always giving the commands to his teammates as beats. So she started to focus on the rhythm he was making with the movements of her teammates and the things that Candance was saying. And when she did it finally make some sense to her. She looked around and saw that Jude had figured it out too. 

"So what are you going to do to change the rhythm?" Lily asked him.

"Hm..." He looked around at what the best way was to do so. "Change the formation! Switch Eric to a forward and set up a 3-top with Eric, Sue and Lily!" 

"3-top?" Mark asked.

"I've been waiting for this! I always thought this day would come! It's finally time for Raimon's greatest couple to rise up!" 

"Ugh great, now I'm the one who is the third wheel." Lily mumbled.

"So how did you figure it out?" Jude asked her.

"Well, I'm a singer and play some instruments. Wound't be bad if I couldn't recognize something like this?" Lily asked with a small smile.

"I guess that's true." 

The match ended and Raimon had won by 1-0

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The match ended and Raimon had won by 1-0. So, now they were on the beach all together enjoying a barbeque. But while Lily was eating she got a text message from Chloe.

~Huh? Why is she texting me at a time like this?~ Lily thought to herself.

Chloe: Hi, Lily~. We (aka Scarlette and I), we're wondering if we could enjoy the barbeque too...

Lily: Wait, how do you know that we're having a barbeque? 

Chloe: Well, as it appears we are also on a school trip in Okinawa. What a coincidence am I right?

Lily: Yeah, a really big coincidence.

Chloe: I know right. Anyway, just turn around, please. 

So that is what she did and there her two friends were walking slowly towards her. 

"Hasn't it been long since we saw each other Lily?" Scarlette asked her.

"It sure has. What a shame that Mia isn't here too."

"Yeah, from what I have heard she is back with the old soccer team of Royal. She quitted the moment that Ray Dark returned there. Luckily, he went away after you and your team defeated him once again."

"I'm glad to hear that everything is back alright there."

"So, how is defeating this alien school going?" Chloe asked.

"Uhm...It's going good I guess. I'm not really sure, to be completely honest."

"Oh, I'm sure it will work out. Thus what are you doing here?" 

"Oh, we're here to find the flame striker. However, we are here for a couple of days already and still haven't found him."

"And 'the flame striker' is all you know of this player?" 

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Wow, that isn't anything at all really." 

"I know, but we may think that it's Axel, but we can't really be sure of course. As long if it brings some good strength back to the team it's alright, I guess."

"Oh right, Axel had to leave. I know that you mentioned that once..." Scarlette mumbled.

"Hey, I didn't know that you would be here too!" Mark suddenly appeared behind Lily. 

"Oh, yeah we're here on a school trip." Scarlette explained to him.

"Really, how lucky. I which we came here to just chill and do nothing." Sue mumbled back at the fireplace. Seems like they only noticed the two when Mark approached them.

"Well, it's not like we're not doing nothing. Every evening some of us have to write an essay about the things that we did that day. The teachers will review that, give us points and that will determent a certain percentage at the end of the year..." She said a bit gloomy. "But we already did that and it was pretty easy so we actually don't have to do anything for the rest of the trip." She ended with a smile.

"Anyway, what are you guys up to for the rest of the day?" Chloe asked Mark.

"Just some more training, though I did ask hurley if he could teach me how to surf."

"Wait, you're going to surf? How come that I can't come too?" Lily asked him with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Well, it's to help me with the Fist Of Justice." Mark said while putting his hand on his neck.

"Hmfp, how unfair." Lily replied while crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"What are you guys going to do for the rest of the day?" 

"Nothing really, probably just hanging out on the beach with the others. Oh, and also to the beach party later this evening." Chloe answered. "Maybe you can come too after your training." 

"Hopefully, but I really doubt it." Lily said.

"Well, we will leave you guys to it then. It seems that you still have a lot to do today. Maybe we hang again if all of this is over." Scarlette replied.

"Yeah, we definitely should I really enjoyed last time." Mark replied.

"Alright, see ya. And good luck against those aliens and all." 


"Wait I thought that you wanted to participate in the barbeque?" Lily asked while the two already started to walk away.

"That was just to get your attention." Chloe replied with a chuckle without turning around to face them.

"Of course." Lily mumbled.

" Lily mumbled

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