Chapter 44: A Full Moon

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I didn't really notice what I was doing, it was like I was sleepwalking

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I didn't really notice what I was doing, it was like I was sleepwalking. But instead of not realising it, I knew that I was walking around in the middle of the night. Yet for some sort of reason, I couldn't stop myself from doing so. Before I even knew it I was at some lake in the middle of the forest. There was also a small waterfall with it and there were some fireflies around the flowers and the grass. 

~What am I doing here?~ I asked myself while I sat down on my knees near the water. ~How could I be so stupid...~

It didn't take long before I could hear some branches snap and footsteps getting closer to here. And there the two of them were standing behind me, but I didn't move, I didn't even know how to react to this.  Maybe I just had to stay home because of this peculiar reason. 

"God Lily, we were afraid that we couldn't find you anymore in this forest. You shouldn't just run off like that." 


"Hey, is everything still okay?" Mark said I noticed that he wanted to lay his hand on my shoulder, but Jude stopped him by grabbing his wrist. 

"I think that she doesn't really want us to disturb her. It may cause her to fully lose control, remember?" Jude explained to him.

"But how do we know that she can hear us then?" 

"I'm sure that she can, but maybe she just isn't really paying attention to what we are actually saying."

At some point, I didn't really hear them talking anymore. I was too consumed in my own thoughts while I stared at the waterfall, still facing my back towards my friends. After a while I noticed them both sitting down next to me on either side. 

"It isn't fair. It's like I'm forced to hide this secret identity all the time. And I don't even benefit from it." I said breaking the silence after a while.

"Well...It's like you said. If the truth will come out about all those other...beings living amongst us, people will freak out. It will only create chaos." Jude replied.

"...Maybe you're just not thinking straight because of the full moon tonight." Mark then assured.

"Yeah...That must be it...You guys can go back to the caravan if you want. I understand if you don't want to just wait here until this is over." I mumbled softly.

"Oh, don't worry about it. We were still talking on top of the caravan anyway." Mark replied.

"Right." I sighed. "Well, now that the seal is broking anyway...I can show you some things I can do." 



Mark and Jude said at the same moment.

"Why not Jude? I really want to see it last time we only saw a bit of Sapphire's powers." Mark said to him

"Yeah, but that was at their own home. Here we are in the middle of nowhere. Who knows who else is in this forest with us. It's already bad enough if they just hear our conversation. It's a really bad idea if you would do that Lily."

"Oops, I think I forgot about that a tiny bit." I said with a shy smile on my face.

"What? What did you do then?"

"Don't worry I didn't do anything in my surroundings. It's more like I forgot about myself. See." I said while pointing to my back after I got my loose hair out of the way. And by the look at both of the guys shocked expressions, it was only then that they saw that something on my back was slightly glowing, which you could see a bit through my shirt. But they also realised that both of my eyes were more bright than usual. 

"Why is your back glowing like that?" Mark asked a bit shocked.

"It's because the seal is broken. That way I could change in my...original form. But luckily for me, my mother made another seal just before I left on this trip. She did that because she knew that there would be a night like this. That way I can't fully change, but some parts of me still want me to. Therefore, on the place where my wings were, it will show a kind of tattoo that glows. Of course, they have the shape of my angel wings. I don't know when that goes away...Probably when the full moon ends. Ugh, that's so stupid and unfair. Why do I have to go through this? It's not like if you come to my world that you have to go through stuff like this." I said, but I got a bit angry a the end.

"Don't worry Lily. It will be over before you know it and then we probably go back to our daily tasks. Which, in this case, is finding the flame striker. And just imagine if it's Axel and he would go back to the team. Wouldn't that be great?" 

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry."

"It's nothing you should apologize for. You warned us that that could happen remember?" Jude asked.

"Yeah, but still. If I was just normal like you then things like this wouldn't happen." 

"Maybe, but it would be a lot more boring too. I mean then we never would've known about this whole other world."

"I guess so."

"Anyway, now we also know about this beautiful place you led us to. How did you even know that this was here?" Mark asked.

"Well, I do have a good connection to the water too. I just could hear it flowing from the caravan." 

"Wow, then you can also really good hear." He said with a wink which made me chuckle.

"Unlike you, it isn't really that hard, is it, Mark?" Jude asked him.


And with that, the three of us just laughed the whole time we were there waiting for the sun to rise. Even though my worries were now settled a bit, I noticed someone watching us, but I couldn't figure out from where. I remarked that Jude and Mark would also look around from time to time, so maybe they noticed it too. But besides all of that, I was relieved to have such good friends that would help me prevent from doing stupid things. But also because I knew that there would be only one night like this on the whole trip.

 But also because I knew that there would be only one night like this on the whole trip

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