Chapter 32: A New Member

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We went down to the soccer field to play the game against the bodyguards, which was also our first game with our new coach

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We went down to the soccer field to play the game against the bodyguards, which was also our first game with our new coach. However, she didn't give us any instructions on how we best could play. Axel said that it was because it was our first match with her and she wanted to see how we would play our soccer. 

It was probably the reason, but I still had a strange feeling about all of this. It's like she is hiding something very important from us. Of course, it's logical that she doesn't tell us everything about herself. She still doesn't know us very well and neither do we know her.

We went to our positions after Jude had told us the strategy we would do.

"Hey Lily, now it's our chance to finally do Ice Missiles. So let's try that out." Kevin said to me.

"Of course, I don't wanna lose the chance to do it." I replied as the match started.

It was halftime and it was a score of 0-0

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It was halftime and it was a score of 0-0. 

"We still couldn't do the shot. Their defence is better than I thought." Kevin said to Mark and me.

"Well, we still have another half, so I'm sure we can score against them." I said back.

"And your shots were really good, Kevin." Mark complimented him.

"U-uh, thanks." He replied.

"This is the plan for the second half. I'm gonna put Kevin, Jack and Nathan on the bench and I don't want anyone to complain about it." The coach said to us.

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