31 (16+)

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Next morning

Y/n's pov

I was laying in bed and doctor came to check on me.

Doctor- So y/n, how are you feeling now?
Y/n- Good.

He is checking my reports and jungkook was sitting beside me on the chair. I looked at him and a smile formed on my lips. He was looking cute with his big eyes. He was wearing mask but still he seemed like he was analysing the situation.

Jungkook- Doctor, can I take her home now

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Jungkook- Doctor, can I take her home now.
Doctor- Uhh, yeah. You can. She will get discharged tomorrow morning.
Jungkook- Oh, okay.

The doctor went outside the room leaving me and jungkook alone. He lowered his mask and gave me his cutest smile ever. My heart fluttered seeing his smile. He kissed on my forehead.

Y/n- What happened?
Jungkook- Nothing.

He said still staring at me. I don't know if he was doing it intentionally or not but his actions were making me blush. My heart can't take this much. I was feeling so much in love with this man. It was like I'm dreaming.

Y/n- Why are you staring at me like that?
Jungkook- Just because.
Y/n- Huh?

He chuckled lightly.

Jungkook- I love you.

My heart fluttered again and my cheeks blushed.

Y/n- I-I love you too.

I said with a chuckle. Just when door opened with a thud and someone entered the room. I couldn't see his face cause his head was hanging low. He removed his mask and cap. I saw his face and he was jimin. I smiled at him but he didn't. He had a serious look on his face. My smile dropped seeing him so serious. He came near me and asked.

Jimin- How are you now?
Y/n- I'm fine. Actually, I'm feelin-
Jimin- Good.

He cut me off and said with a cold voice. What happened to him suddenly?

Jimin- I think we should leave now Jungkook. I'm waiting outside.

He said to jungkook and left without glancing at me. I felt a little weird and sad. It was like he didn't care about my situation.

Jungkook- Take rest okay? I'll come back.

I nodded my head and he fix his mask and went out. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Jimin's pov

I was waiting in the car for jungkook to come. I remembered when I was about to go inside the room but I heard their conversation. It really angered me when y/n said it back.

" I love you. "
" I-I love you too. "

I closed my eyes to control myself. I heard car door open and then closed. It means Jungkook came back.

The Wishing BookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora