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A Few Weeks Later

Y/n's pov

Days are going like this but after that incident I never met Jungkook.

Y/n- Where are you Jungkook? You're not even coming to the park now. Are you that busy? Or you are ignoring me now because now I know who you are. Aishh, why I'm thinking like that?

I was sitting on my bed and thinking about him. At first, when I didn't know about him. He always used to come to the park and talk to me. But now I know who he is, he's distancing himself from me. Did I say something wrong? But last time when I was at his house everything was okay.
These are the thoughts that were running through my mind. I know I'm an overthinker and because of that I worry too much.

Y/n- Should I go to the park today? It was so nice meeting them. It was like a dream come true. But that happened so apparently, I couldn't process anything. Also, I didn't even get chance to meet them properly.

I released a deep sigh and took my phone and opened my gallery. A smile crept on my lips when I saw the photos I took with them.

Y/n- I was so close to them. I don't know how my heart handled everything at that time. I miss you all. I miss you Jungkook.

I remembered that day when I woke up and saw all of them staring at me. The way Taehyung and Jin were fighting. I pout my lips and tears started to form in my eyes. I sniffed on my tears and hugged my phone.

Y/n- I miss them so much.

Jimin's pov

I was sneaking out of the house when someone pulled me from back gripping on my hoodie.

Taehyung- And where do you think you are going jiminshii?

I turned around and saw Taehyung smirking at me like he knows where I'm going. I rolled my eyes and said.

Jimin- Stop it tae. You know very well.
Taehyung- Oh, do I?
Jimin- Stop acting like that.
Taehyung- Oh, are you going to that convenience store girl again?
Jimin- So what?
Taehyung- Aishh, what magic she did to you? You were never like that jimin. Like going to convenience store.
Jimin- It's nothing like that tae-
Taehyung- I know you like her.

He said while smirking and my eyes widened.

Jimin- W-what are you s-saying tae.
Taehyung- It's clear from your behavior silly. And stop stuttering. It's makes my assumption more clear.
Jimin- What? You were assuming that I like her.
Taehyung- Where things are not said there people assume things.

He said with a sigh.

Jimin- I don't like her. She's not even my type.
Taehyung- Yeah, yeah. I don't like her. She's not my type. Blah blah....

He said while mimicking my words.

Taehyung- Jimin, I'm your best friend. And you can't lie to me. I know you very well.
Jimin- And how can you say that thing?
Taehyung- Say what?

He said while raising his one eyebrow.

Jimin- That thing which you said earlier.
Taehyung- That you like her.

He again smirked and said.

Jimin- Y-yeah.
Taehyung- It's pretty obvious jimin. You go to the convenience store everyday. Like everyday. You were never used to go to the store but now, for just one girl you go to the store. You don't even miss a single day. Everyday, you wake up early. You were never an early bird. There are some more. But for now, it's enough for you to know that. And it's clear, you like her.

I was listening to him carefully. I didn't utter a word and listened to him. Do I really like her? No, no, no. I can't. I can't like her. Shit!!!

Taehyung- Earth to jimin.

I was in my own world when taehyung said and waved his hand in front of my face.

Jimin- Huh?
Taehyung- Yaah, did you even listen what I said?
Jimin- Y-yeah.

I said and then turned around and started walking.

Taehyung- Are you going to her? Should I come with you?

He said in a teasing way.

Jimin- No.

I said and he chuckled.

Taehyung- Okay, then I'm going to tell Jin hyung that few days ago you came late at 2:30 a.m. and also a little drunk.

He said and my eyes go wide. I turned and took my steps towards him.

Jimin- Yaah, are you threatening me?
Taehyung- No, I'm just telling the truth.

He said with a wide grin on his face.

Jimin- Aish, I'm going.
Taehyung- Okay, then I'm going to tell jin hyung about that incident.
Jimin- Yaahhh, what do you want? Huh?
Taehyung- Aww jimine, you're getting smart day by day.
Jimin- Now tell me fast what you want to keep your mouth shut.
Taehyung- Just buy me shushi when you come home and I'll keep it between us.
Jimin- Just for a shushi you are doing this.
Taehyung- I didn't say that I only want today.
Jimin- Then, what you want?
Taehyung- Buy me meals for this whole month.
Jimin- What?
Taehyung- Think about it jiminie. Just buy me meals for this whole month and I'll never tell jin hyung that you came home late while drunk.

He said while giggling.

Jimin- Yaah, you don't have to say it again and again. Okay, I'll buy you meals for this month. But for only this month.
Taehyung- Okay, I get it.

He said while smiling in victory.

Jin- Did I hear something which I shouldn't be hearing.

I heard his voice and turned around. He was standing in the mid of stairs. I looked at tae and he looked at me. We both were terrified. I gulped hard while thinking what's coming next.

Y/n's pov

I was lost in my thoughts and walking on the sideway of road. I was going to the store for work. But I didn't want to go. I was walking and was lost in my own world. I didn't notice when I was in the middle of the road. And then suddenly...

Y/n- Ahhh....


... to be continued

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