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Next Day

Y/n's pov

I was working at the convenience store as usual. It was around 2:15 p.m. I wanted to leave as usual to go to that park. But then ahjussi came and said to me.

Ahjussi- Y/n-ah. Today you can't go early. I have some work at home so you have to take care of everything here and close it.
Y/n- But ahjussi-
Ahjussi- Y/n, you are going early nowadays. Sorry, but I can't give you more leave. You have to work till the given time. Nowadays, you are leaving at 3:00 p.m. not 8:00 p.m. Why?
Y/n- Okay, I'll not take more leave.
Ahjussi- Good. Now I'll go. Take care of everything. And don't stay for the whole night here. Don't wait for morning.
Y/n- Yeah.

I said and then I went back to my work with a sad face.

Y/n- I'm not going today. What if he comes today? Oh no. I'll loose my chance of meeting him. But I don't have choice. I can't go. Should I close the store and then go. But what if ahjussi finds it. He's definitely gonna kick me out. Ahhhhh, what should I do?

I was panicking so much. But I don't know why I was caring for that person so much. It's because it was my fault. I was rude to him. I should say sorry to him.

Jungkook's pov

It was around 5 p.m. in the evening. The streets were crowdy. Jin hyung sent me to buy some egg and milk for tomorrow's breakfast. I went to a convenience store but when I entered the store I saw a familiar face but I decided to ignore her. She was so rude last time. I'll not forgive her that easily. I pouted and went to take some eggs and packs of milk.

Y/n's pov

I was sitting there and billing the products. In the evening, the crowd increases here.

Jungkook- Please do the billing.

I heard that familiar voice again. I immediately looked up. And yes, I was right. Same eyes and wearing hat and mask. I don't understand why he never show his face. He's always in a hat and mask. Well, that's none of my concern. But I'm curious about his face like how he looks without that hat and mask. Is he ugly? That's why he wear it always. But his eyes are so pretty. He can't be ugly. Maybe he got a scar on his face. Maybe because of that.

I was thinking and was in my own world. But then a voice interrupted me again.

Jungkook- Hello? Did you hear me?
Y/n- Y-yeah.

I said and started to do the billing. I gave him the receipt and he payed me. He was about to go when I approached him.

Y/n- Hey listen.

He stopped on his tracks but didn't turn around.

Y/n- Hey, please forgive me. I was mad at that time and that's why I said all those words to you. I don't know what came into me. I also came to the park after that but I didn't see you. I think you didn't come to park. I just wanted to say sorry. Please forgive me.

I said with my pleading voice. But he didn't say anything nor he turned around.

Y/n- It's on you if you want to for-

He didn't even let me finish my sentence and walked out while stomping his feet out of the store like a kid.


But he didn't listen. He was gone.

Y/n- Aishh... That brat.

I said while clenching my jaw. But then I realized that I shouldn't be reacting like that. It was my fault that I got mad at him for no reason.

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