I didn't even realize I was crying until she reached out and wiped my tears.

"Why did it have to be like this?" I cried. "Why must I choose?" I said.

"Because you're a Queen, my love. One who has sacrificed so much in order to rectify her parents mistakes. And now you have an opportunity to live out there, with a man who loves you more than he loves himself. A man who can help you carry the heavy burdens that you continue to shoulder yourself," she said.

"But Mother, I'm tired," I said.

  "Bullshit," my mother said. I stared at her in surprise, I have never heard her use bad words before. "Are you forgetting that I have been watching over you all this time? I have seen you go through stuff much worse than this and you kept going. Tired, it will be a cold day in hell before you try and trick me with that flimsy excuse. Try again, what is the reason you're here with me and not out there with him," she asked.

  "I don't think...I don't think I deserve to be loved by someone like him. He takes care of me and I am afraid to get used to that feeling, to get attached to it. Because if one day he realizes the whole mates thing is stupid and decides to leave me, I don't think I could handle it. Even now being away from him is difficult. So, its better for me to stay here where its safe and familiar then go out there where he is," I said.

  "Those years I spent away really did a number on you, didn't it?" she asked.

"I just think, I need a little more time okay. I'll make my decision soon, just not right now," I said.

  *My love has been asleep for almost a month now; every known healer in Asgard has come to see the Queen, hoping to wake her up from her slumber. They all say she is nearly completely healed, yet they can't explain why she is still asleep. I have come to see her every day, without missing a beat.

I talked to her about nearly any and everything. I spend any time I have available with her.

"My love, today I spent time with my brothers. It wasn't anything grand or exciting, but it was fun. I forgot that spending time with them was fun. They all miss you by the way, especially Peter. Somehow I feel as though he's taking it harder than anyone else," I laughed a little. "He doesn't even fully come into your room, he just stands in the doorframe and cries a little," I laughed out loud this time. "He misses you quite a bit," I could feel my voice crack a bit.

I cleared my throat and looked away. My eyes watering ever so slightly.

"I believe that you will wake up soon, you're just taking your time to fully heal. And to that I say take your time. But if you'll allow me to make one selfish request, all I ask is that you don't take too long. Because...because I really do miss you," this time I could feel myself crying. "I miss the way you would steal glances at me when you thought I wasn't paying attention, I miss the way that you listened to any story that I pulled out of my ass that day. So please, don't take too long to return," I pleaded.

* "What a charming young man," mother commented. "Will you still stay here, even though he's calling out to you so desperately?," she asked.

I looked over at her and then she spoke again.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be just fine. Matter a fact, he's waiting for me on the other side. But I couldn't just leave my baby alone," she said.

"How do I know that everything will be okay?," I finally asked.

"It's simple you don't, but with him by your side I wouldn't be too worried," she said softly.

I looked over at her one more time.

"You'll be okay, I know it," she said again.

* I rested my head on the side of her bed as I held her hand. I could feel the pulse in her wrist and for some reason that calmed me down. I could feel myself dozing off, when I felt a hand run through my hair.

My heart began to beat erratically and I could even feel Goliath scratching frantically at the back of my head. I slowly lifted my head up and made eye contact with who I believed to be the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Her hand moved from the top of my head to the side of my cheek and she gently moved her thumb across it.

"You were crying," she said.

My eyes began to well up as I leaned into her touch, hoping that this wasn't an illusion of a sort.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time," I choked.

"I know," she said gently.

"I came everyday," I said.

"I know," she said.

"I love you so much," I cried.

She lifted my head to face her and she too had tears in her eyes. "I know...and I love you too," she said.

Whatever restraint I had left completely dissipated as I leaned forward and embraced her. I showered kisses all over, on her forehead, her cheeks, and her lips. There was no space I left untouched.

"Okay, okay I get it," she laughed.

I stood up and crawled into the bed with her and held her tight.

"What if someone come in?," she asked.

"They won't come in for at least an hour or two, I have a bit of a set routine. They know better," I said.

It was silent for a while as we just held each other. For me I don't think I've ever been happier.

"You know you still owe me a request," I said.

"I do, don't I? Well what's your request? Ask away," she said.

"Will you marry me?," I asked.

Her head snapped over to me so quick and she stared at me with wide eyes.

"Have you lost your mind?," she asked.

"No, my mind is very much still here," I joked.

"You—," she started but then was interrupted by the doors opening.

There stood Peter with a whole bunch of balloons and some candy. He paused and stared wide eyed at Ziya.

"Hello Peter," she said.

Peter reacted almost immediately and ran to her. With tears running down his face, he spoke up, "I thought you would never wake up," he sobbed.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," she said hugging him. You would think that she was talking to a five year old boy and not a nineteen year old.

The rest of my brother came pouring in and I took that as my cue to get off the bed to give them some space. After my brothers, in came the many lords and ladies with their respective families. The room got really crowded at this point. Somehow I went from being by her side to standing outside the room as everyone made a huge fuss.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder and I looked over to see my dad.

"So, did you ask the question?," he asked.

"I did and then Peter came barreling in like the damn idiot that he is," I scowled.

My father only laughed at me as he stared into the room, happy with the lively chatter that has been missing for over a month.

"I'm sure she'll say yes," he said.

I looked back into the room and locked eyes with Ziya and smiled. And she smiled back.

"I think she'll say yes too," I said.

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