Chapter 25: Heading back to Vale

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Then they made it to the Vale, upon their arrival Vale has changed their nationality.

Ruby: What happened here?
Weiss: I have no idea.
(Y/N): I'll tell you why.
Weiss: What's that?
(Y/N): We managed to reclaim our kingdom.
Ozpin: Well, that's impressive.
Glynda: Mmmhmmm.
Salem: You said it, Ozma

Then they saw Humans and Faunus are finally coexist until they heard a child's voice.

Faunus Child: Mama, Papa!

Then they saw the child hugging his parents, He hugs his son while kissed his Faunus wife. Much to Blake smiling at them they heard the parade or their March then they saw the Soldiers and Zakus are marching around the streets and a few of them were hovering slowly moving forward and then the Jets flew faster than bullhead.

Ruby: Wow.
Weiss: Interesting.

Then Team RWBY saw the Banner of the Red Army Forces.

Then Team RWBY saw the Banner of the Red Army Forces

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Blake recognized the logo that is attached. The White Fang.

Blake: (Y/N), Why did you put White Fang on it?
(Y/N): I'll tell you when we finish our tour.
Blake: Ok.
Yang: I wonder what happened to the academy.
(Y/N): You wanted to know about it.

They nodded.

(Y/N): Okay then.

They went to Beacon Academy. when they arrived they saw the Cadets Humans and Faunus are the Cadets.

Ruby: Wait a minute, Are those
(Y/N): Yes Ruby, They are the Cadets or the Trainees of the Zaku Training Program.
Glynda: What happened to our Academy?
(Y/N): you see Miss Goodwitch, Your Academy is converted to Cadets corps Academy, the Academies for Zaku Programs. Not just Vale All Academies of 3 Kingdoms are completely converted to Cadets Academy.

Much to their surprised that all Academies are converted to Cadets corps, Home for Trainees.
They saw Cadets that are training well, next to that will make them terrified; The Augmentation Procedures much to their horror.

Blake: Let's make it stop, It terrifies me.
(Y/N): I'm sorry Blake.

And finally, they saw the Trainees are getting on their Mobile Suits.

And finally, they saw the Trainees are getting on their Mobile Suits

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