Chapter 19: Battle of Harmony City and the Cost of their lives

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After 4 days of hanging out and city are in safe hands from the Atlas but until one day the battle starts when the Atlas and their bioweapons; the Grimm starts to attack the city but Red Army Forces fought back with their allies. Azur Lane, and Dynasty Warriors to protect them at all cost. Crimson Squad is taking out the Grimm and Atlesian Army.

(Y/N): Guys, We need to hold the line!
Aether: We're trying!


Azur Lane and Dynasty Warriors are fighting back for the safety of the people. Girls of Azur Lane activated their riggings and their weapons.

Enterprise: There's One.

She shoots an arrow right into Grimm's head (which is Beowolf)

Kaga: You ready Sister?
Akagi: yes Kaga.
Amagi: Let's do this.

Then 3 sisters activated their kitsune's Fireballs and threw them into hordes of Grimm

Enterprise: Alright, Wales, Belfast, Amagi, Akagi, Kaga, Zuikaku, Bismarck. You're with me. Asuka, go with Lumine, Ais, Hestia It means you too.

Amagi: Okay.
Belfast: Yes, Enterprise-sama.
Bismarck: Alright.
Asuka: Way ahead of you.

Then they went into two groups.

Asuka called (Y/N) about the two groups

Asuka: (Y/N).
(Y/N) *in comms*: What is it, Asuka?
Asuka: Enterprise and her Group are taking out the Atlesian Military while I, Lumine, and her group are dealing with the Grimm.
(Y/N) *in comms*: Okay, just be careful, I'm not gonna lose you again.
Asuka: Don't worry about us, I love you.
(Y/N) *in comms*: I love you too.

Then she ended the call and fight the Grimm.


The Crimson Squad is dealing with both of them.

(Y/N): Aether, Go with the others, Your sister is there.
Aether: on it.
(Y/N): Tatsumi, you too.
Tatsumi: Roger that. Aether, let's go.
Aether: Ok.

Then they went to the others to protect them while (Y/N), Ralph, Cardin, Char are fighting the enemies then Enterprise calls him along with Asuka.

Enterprise *in comms*: (Y/N), we've been overrun and pinned down by Atlas. I know we want to spend time with you, I hate to say this. But that's not gonna happen right now. You have to stay strong, I knew you can do it.
Asuka *in comms*: We're sorry, (Y/N). Stay strong.

He realized that they made a contingency plan:  detonating themselves.

(Y/N): Enterprise.
Enterprise *in comms*: We love you, (Y/N). & I love you, (Y/N)-

Her comms cuts off then he heard the explosion in the distance.

(Y/N): Noo!

Then he activated his semblance in anger and charged at them and a quick attack and then he punched one of that mechs multiple times.

(Y/N): You. Took. Everything. From. Me. Now, I'm gonna make you. Pay!

One final punch crushed its head. Then they retreated again. He calms down deactivating his semblance. He realized that his two squadmates were there.

(Y/N): Ralph, Cardin. Find the others.
Ralph: On it commander.

Then they went to find them.

2 Hours Later

They went back to the base regrouping his squadmates.

(Y/N): Any news yet, did you find them.
Ralph: No, sir We couldn't find them. All we found is what remains of their mobile suits and of course, their weapons. I'm sorry Commander.
(Y/N): it's alright, I'll be in my room for the moment.
Cardin: but, sir
Char: Go, cousin. I'll let you cope up for the moment.
(Y/N): Thanks, Char.

Then he went to his room.

Ralph: Is he going to be okay?
Char: I don't know, But I hope he will.

Meanwhile in (Y/N)'s Room.

He just sitting on his bed letting his tears rolling and his depression became much worse. Thinking that he couldn't forgive himself for not saving them.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, guys. If I could be here on time, none of this will happen.

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