Chapter 17: Hanging out with Raven and The Truth

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(Y/N) is having a Fresh air after the successful Rescue Mission then Raven showed up.

Raven: (Y/N), Is everything alright
(Y/N): Yeah, It's just that, I miss Ruby so much
Raven: I'm sorry about your Loss.
(Y/N): I know.
Raven: You want to hang out with me.
(Y/N): Sure.

Then they went outside for a walk and start chatting about their life.

(Y/N): So, How's your day.
Raven: I made a bit patrolling in the city instead I decided to hang out with you. *smiles* just like my husband was.
(Y/N): I know, It's hard to let it go. I guess I'm the only one who could have stopped them.
Raven: (Y/N) you're not alone, If Atlas will attack us, We'll be ready.
(Y/N): Thanks, Raven.

Then there was a call from his scroll.

(Y/N): Hello.
Medical Officer (in scroll): Sir, she's awake. You can talk to her now.
(Y/N): Thank you.

Then he ends the call

Raven: What is it?
(Y/N): Its Summer, She's awake.
Raven: I guess it's time to tell her the truth.
(Y/N): Alright.

Then they went back to base.

Meanwhile in the Hospital

They arrived at the Hospital room and check on Summer.

(Y/N): Hello, Summer.
Summer: Hello and Hello Raven *smiles*
Raven: Hello Old friend *smiles*
(Y/N): I guess it's time to tell you the truth about what happened.
Summer: About what?
(Y/N): It's about your daughter and your family
Summer: Ruby?! Where is she? What happened to my sweet daughter.

Then he told her everything about what happened and about the loss of her daughter Ruby Rose. Then after He finished telling her the truth, She starts crying and Mourning about her family. About her Husband's Suicide, loss of her daughters. Then He hugged her as he tries to comfort her

Summer: *crying* I'm sorry, I shouldn't leave them, I couldn't keep the promise to them.
(Y/N): It's okay Summer, Everything is going to be okay, that's what friends do.
Summer: Why do you care about me.
(Y/N): Because you're my friend.

Summer blushed for the moment about his statement then smiled about his confidants

Summer: Thank you, sir, For saving me
(Y/N): You're welcome, at least you're safe now.
Raven: (Y/N), Thank you for comforting my friend.
(Y/N): I know.
Raven: (Y/N) Let's go back to our dorm.
(Y/N): sure Raven. Summer, you can rest here, the Doctors will take care of you.
Summer: Thank you, sir.
(Y/N): But I promise you.
Summer: What is it?
(Y/N): We will bring them to Justice.
Summer: Thank you, Commander.

Then they went outside. Raven blushed for a moment.

Raven: Umm (Y/N)
(Y/N): Yeah, Raven
Raven: Can you close your eyes for the moment.
(Y/N): Why?
Raven: Just do it.

Then he closed his eyes

(Y/N): so Raven what is i-

Then she cuts him off when She placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him on his lips then He opened his eyes and was shocked that Raven kissed him and melts into their kiss.

(Y/N): Wow that was.
Raven: Amazing, yeah. I like you okay
(Y/N): I like you too.

Then Asuka and her Friends came

(Y/N): Asuka, Girls, I can explain
Asuka: No need, we're okay. Raven you can share with him.
Raven: Thanks.
Enterprise: We're okay with it.
Amagi: You could say that.
(Y/N): let's head back to our dorm
Belfast: Yes, indeed it is.

Then they went back to their dorm

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