Chapter 6: Intervening the Conflicts / Turning Point of the War

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The War was the mess between The Naturals and Coordinators which they are disturbing the peace, fighting with their hatred. So People had enough of this mess, They want Red Army to clean this up. So they sent the Entire Army to intervene in the War and they sent the best squad among the Army: The Crimson Squad led by Lieutenant Commander (Y/N) Ridden.

(Y/N): Alright, Our task is to neutralize them once and for all and to stop disturbing our peace. Tight formation Now, Concentrate them on a single point.

All: Roger!

Then they arrived on the space where the battles are.

(Y/N): Aether, go with Ralph. Cardin goes with Tatsumi before anyone gets hurt.
Aether: What about you sir?
(Y/N): I'll intervene them.
Aether: Yes sir, be careful. Ralph with me!
Ralph: On it!
Cardin: You heard the man, let's go
Tatsumi: Alright I'm with you

Aether with Ralph went to the To stop Naturals while Cardin & Tatsumi goes to Coordinators. (Y/N) goes to Intervene them before they'll kill themselves

As they were charging.

Athrun: KIRA!

By the time they did, He intervened them

By the time they did, He intervened them

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Kira: Is that Zaku!

He Blasted the Athrun's Suit with his Bazooka.

He Blasted the Athrun's Suit with his Bazooka

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And finally, He punched it

Athrun and Kira's Fight is finally ceased

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Athrun and Kira's Fight is finally ceased.


This is shocking to Coordinators and Naturals.

Athrun: What.
Kira: What's going on.
(Y/N): We have you surrounded, stand down or we have no choice but to use Lethal Forces.

Then The Red Army Space Fleet arrived

Intercom: This is The Red Army we have you surrounded by.

Then Kira and Athrun look at (Y/N)'s Zaku.

(Y/N): Congratulations you two, You're the criminal.

Then His squad Surrounded them and took them to Frigate.

Athrun and Kira and Other Coordinators and Naturals are arrested for The War Crime and against Peace.

Aether: Heesh, Those guys made some mess.
(Y/N): I know, Aether.
Asuka: Hey, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Asuka *kisses Asuka*
Asuka: *kisses (Y/N)* How's your day.
(Y/N): We managed to intervene with them and confiscated their Mobile Suits.
Aether: You didn't tell me you have a girlfriend
Asuka: We became official.
Cardin: Wow, Congrats Commander
(Y/N): No problem, Cardin.
Ralph: We did it
(Y/N): Asuka, mind we have dinner.
Asuka: Sure. *smiles*

Then They went for dinner.

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