Prologue: The Existence of the Red Army & Declaration of War

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They were fighting against them, their enemies are Salem Inner Circles, Ruby Rose, and her teammates; Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, & Yang Xiao Long, they are known as Team RWBY. A first-year students from Beacon Academy, (Y/N) Ridden was one of them in Ruby's Group. Team RWBY was the love of his life, and they fought valiantly against her minions.

(Y/N): Ruby, there's too many of Grimms, We gotta get out of here. We can't stop them!
Ruby: We have to try, just keep fighting!
(Y/N): But we'll all die here!
Yang: Keep trying for another way to get them.
Blake: Get the Relic we'll cover you!
Weiss: Don't worry about us, get that relic!

Then (Y/N) ran to get the relic-only block by Neo.
(Y/N): Don't make me do this.

Then she made the first attack as he blocked with his sword, then they have sword fighting between (Y/N) and Neo as he about to strike Emerald attack him from behind. Then he watched in Horror as Team RWBY fell into the void One-by-one.


Then the void disappeared and nowhere was in sight.

(Y/N): No.

Then Cinder came to him as she was about to step on his hand.

Cinder: Goodbye Forever.

She stomped on his hand making him fall until nowhere to be seen

Emerald: I think that went well.

Neo Nodded in Agreement about her statements

Cinder: That's good to hear.

Then out of nowhere, Salem has arrived

Salem: That's about it, He just weakly, and worthless boy.

But be Unknowing to them that (Y/N) survived the fall.


I failed them, I failed to retrieve the relic back, I have failed them, RWBY, Pyrrha, Nora, My friends. I'm crying because all the love of my life is gone. My heart shattered into pieces meaning that I'm heartbroken.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, I'm sorry Ozpin I tried to keep them, but I have failed you, I'm sorry everyone, I have failed you.

Then I shouted with my regrets.


Then I cried and cried until I spotted the Mobile Suit then I approached them revealing the Robot similar to Atlesian Paladin but Different than something glowing revealing the artifact next thing I know It shoots at it, glowing starts cover around it and after that, the glowing disappeared revealing it's fixed, It's now in color with Red and black. It has a horn on it and there are lots of weapons beside it. Two of them must be Bazookas one is medium and one is giant, One machine gun, and one Axe.

 Two of them must be Bazookas one is medium and one is giant, One machine gun, and one Axe

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