Chapter 14: Hanging Out with Lumine and her friends

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The Next Morning

(Y/N) woke up this morning then he took the shower and changed his outfit before he went out for the walk while his girlfriends are shopping and Raven is watching and patrolling the Harmony City then he is greeted by Lumine

(Y/N): Good Morning, Lumine.
Lumine: Hey (Y/N), ready to hang out.
(Y/N): Sure.

Then they started to hanging out with her then the Girls shows up

Barbara: (Y/N), it's good to see you.
(Y/N): It's good to see you too.
Hu Tao: Okay so We decided that we can go to Hang out at the seaside.
(Y/N): Good idea, let's go.

Then they went to the seaside shore and start walking

Lumine: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yes, Lumine?
Lumine: Thanks for the dinner night
(Y/N): You're welcome.
Lumine: So We appreciate it.
(Y/N): No problem.
Barbara: This is good, this will be at tea time.
Yoimiya: Me too, Barbara
(Y/N): You said it.

Moments later.

Then after Lumine and her friends made it to the base.

Lumine: This place is amazing.
(Y/N): You like this place you can move here if want to.
Barbara: Of course, I'm a Nurse.
Lumine: We accepted your offer.
(Y/N): Then Welcome to our base

Then Her friends went to their dorm except for Lumine.

Lumine: Goodnight, Commander.
(Y/N): Call me (Y/N).
Lumine: Okay, (Y/N) Goodnight.
(Y/N): Goodnight Lumine.

Then they went back to their respective dorms and get some sleep.

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