✦・forty three╭╯

Start from the beginning

Bending a little, Jimin, Namjoon, and Yoongi ran. Their feet barely touched the ground while they ran for their lives. Too scared to see behind them.

In the haste, Namjoon bumped into someone and staggered back.


Zia found Night resting her head against a tree.

"Hey, you ok?" she asked.

Night moved her head from the tree and turned to face Zia. Her face was daunting and her eyes grave. She looked disturbed. Night had told her she hadn't thought about Eroth since Stephanie died. She probably wanted to live a normal life. Zia felt bad for dragging her into this.

"I'm fine. It's just not what I expected." Night replied in a low voice.

They hadn't talked about Stephanie since Night shared her past with Zia. Night didn't want to talk about it and Zia also didn't bring it up.

"Yeah." Was all Zia could say.

"This is not what I expected Eroth to look like. It looks almost like Earth." Night commented, changing the topic.

"What did you expect it to look like?"

"More colourful. But I imagined it a long time ago."

"Maybe," Zia started hesitantly. "You can think of it as, you are avenging Stephanie."

"Avenging would be if I kill the person who killed her. I killed her."

Zia felt ashamed of herself for saying that after hearing Night's reply. She didn't think Night would be so straightforward about it.

"Sorry, I didn't-" she said, looking at her feet.

"It's fine."

"Hey Zia, Namjoon is saying, "Don't go near the spaceship, there are Erothian soldiers there." Psyche said.

"How do you know?"

"Aqua told me. The gems can talk to each other. Also they know you are here. Your gems are locked. You can't remove them."

"Our gems are locked. Which means we can't use our full power."

"Did Psyche tell you?" Night asked, trying to remove her ring but failing.

"Yeah. Namjoon is smart." Night hummed in response.

There was a shuffling in a bush nearby. Zia's eyes widened and she looked at Night, who had the same expression as hers, shock. If the Erothian soldiers knew they were there or the soldiers were just passing by, Zia and Night didn't want to wait to find out.

They bolted, trying to make as little notice as possible. Zia couldn't hear footsteps behind them, maybe it was just an animal in the woods. But didn't want to try her luck and kept running without looking back.

Someone bumped into her and she fell back on Night. She silently prayed.it wasn't a soldier standing in front of her.

"Zia! Thank god!" Namjoon let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were a soldier."

"Yeah, same." She replied, dusting herself off the ground.

Namjoon wasn't alone. Yoongi was standing behind him, looking around for soldiers. Jimin was helping Night to her feet, whom Zia had knocked to the ground when she bumped into Namjoon. Jimin let out his hand for Night to take. She smiled softly at him before holding his hand and standing up.

"Are you both hurt?" Jimin asked almost immediately.

Both the girls shook their heads.

"Did you get Namjoon's message?" Yoongi asked.

"We did. Then we heard something and ran. Now that I think about it, it was probably an animal." Night shrugged.

"We have to find the others and get out of here. The soldiers might plan on searching the entire forest." Namjoon said.

"Guys look at that." Jimin said. His voice was panic-stricken.

There was a clearing behind the bush Jimin was pointing at. Hoseok and Taehyung were caught by the soldiers. Her heart thumped wildly at the sight of Hoseok captured.

"Seven more to go."


{A/N}: Oops! 

How was this chapter?

The suspense is growing high from the chapter. 

Also I won in another awards.... 


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