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Meeting Hoseok.

Jungkook pov.

I'm scared today. My aid want me to try dancing. One thing I was glad to bring my service dog KJ (Kookie Junior). My aid name is Mr. Lee. But he told me to called him Taemin. I also have another aid named Jonghyun. They both take turn but today is Taemin turn.

"Kookie, are you ready for today?" Taemin ask. "Not really" I answer. "Don't worry koo, Hoseok is very nice teacher and he is so excited to me you" Taemin tried to make me better. "Really?" I ask. "Yes kook, class is about start, let's go" Taemin got my hand. "Come on KJ" KJ bark knowing I knew he said yes.

"Hoseok!" A guy turn around. "This is Jeon Jungkook I told you about and his service dog KJ" Taemin told him. "Hi kookie, I'm Hoseok but call me Hobi. I'm your dance teacher" Hoseok had his hand out. "Hi" I shook his hand shly. "Oh your shy, don't worry I use to be shy too" Hoseok said. "Can I say hi to KJ?" Hoseok ask. I nodded. "KJ say hi" KJ bark at him. "That KJ way saying hi" Taemin explain. "Aww so cute, I have a dog named Mickey, would you like to meet him some day?" Hoseok ask. "Yes please" I said.

"Well, kook do you think you can be here without me?" Taemin ask. "Why Taemin?" I ask. "I have some paperworks to do" Taemin said. "Um I don't know" I said. "Kookie, you will be fine with me, I have candies with me if you want some" Hoseok said. "I allowed you to have some Kookie" Taemin said. "Okay you can go" I said. "I will be here to pick you up" Taemin said and I nodded.

Taemin rub my dog head and said goodbye to me. "Okay, come with me" Hoseok took my hand. "You can put your stuff there" I go to the cubby and put my stuff away and also KJ stuff too.

"Is it okay KJ can be unleashed, he will stay with me?" I ask. "Of course, it will just be you and me here" Hoseok.

"So today I just want to learn about you and you can learn about me" Hoseok said.

"Can you go first?" I ask. "Yes I will, I'm Jung Hoseok as you know. Sometimes I get called J-hope or Hobi. I have a dog name Mickey. I love making friendship bracelets. I am gay. I have five friends which you might know I'm in a group called Bangtan. My friends would love you. I have two dads. I do have a sister but she passed away from cancer. I think that it" Hoseok explain. "I'm sorry about your sister" I said. "Thank you, now your turn" Hoseok said.

I took a deep breath. "I'm Jungkook but like to be called kookie, kook or koo. Sometimes Taemin or Jonghyun called me bunny because I look like one. KJ is my only best friend. I don't have any friends. I don't have parents who treat me well so I stay with Jonghyun. I get bullied a lot because I'm different. Taemin and Jonghyun been with me since I was in elementary school, they like brothers to me. I'm also gay too. I have other disabilities as well. I tend to act younger and bit childish because of it" I felt myself crying.

"Oh baby come here" Hoseok pull me in his lap. "Kookie, you do have a friend, me. And if you like, you can meet the others too. There isn't wrong to be different and besides it better to be different then being perfect" Hoseok said. "Thank you" I felt safe on his lap. "Look like your comfortable" Hoseok smile. "I am" KJ got on my lap. "Do you want to learn a dance now?" Hoseok ask. "Yes Hobi" I got up.

We both stand up. Hoseok help me to learn the dance.

After an hour or so. We stop to rest. "Kookie are you hungry?" Hoseok ask. "Yes Hobi" I said. "Okay well it is lunch time, go grab your lunch and KJ while I set up the table okay" Hoseok told me. I nodded.

I grab my bunny lunch box and grab KJ box and walk to Hobi. He gave me a pillow so I can sit down.

I try to get my lunch box open but I couldn't and Hobi was feeding KJ. "Hobi I need help?" I ask. "What do you need help with?" Hoseok ask. "I need it open but I will also need help setting up because Taemin or Jonghyun always do it because I tend to make a mess" I explain. "Ok, remember it's okay to ask" Hoseok said and he help me.

"Yay! Jonghyun pack me noodles" I flash my bunny smile. "Wow that look good, do you want me to heat it up?" Hoseok ask. "Yes please" I said.

I look through what I have while Hoseok heat my noodles up. I have small carrots bite. Lettuces and rices.

I started making my dish in a big bowl. Hobi came back with my noodles. "Be careful koo, it bit hot" I blow it to make it cold. I started eating so did Hoseok.

"I'm finished" I show him the bowl. "Good job, I'm also done too" he show me his bowl. We both clean up. "Hold on kook" he started cleaning my face.

After that it was time for me and KJ to go home. Taemin was here already.

"Did you had fun kook?" Taemin ask. "Yes I did" I said. I said goodbye to Hobi and he did too. KJ follow us to the car.

We went home. I was told by Jonghyun I was going to learn how to cook tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy, see you in the next chapter.


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