The Bad Batch/Newcomers

Start from the beginning

(Yes, your car is a 1967 Chevy Impala)

Your dad had it but no longer used it so he gave it to you. You put the keys in the ignition and turned it to start the car. The engine stalled a bit before roaring to life. You really loved it when the engine did that. You pulled out of the driveway and down the street towards the school. On your way to school, you got stuck in traffic.

"Are you kriffing kidding me?! Ugh!" You yelled in frustration.

You waited for what seemed like three hours, but it was only five minutes. You checked to see that your phone displayed 8:15am. You freaked out as you realized you were going to be late. You looked to your left and saw that the left turn lane was surprisingly empty. You knew the route to school, you just had to improvise.

"Screw it, road safety laws prepare to be ignored." You mumbled.

You swerved to the left just as the turn light turned green. You took a sharp left turn and some cars honked at you.

"Oh, kriff you! I cannot afford to be late to school!" You yelled in response.

After about seven minutes, you arrived at the student parking area. Thankfully, not all spaces were filled and you've managed to find an empty space. You parked your car, took out the keys and grabbed your bag. You stepped out and locked your car. You walked to the school entrance as you stuffed your keys into your pocket. You received a few looks, but you didn't think about it. They were most likely jealous of the vehicle you drove here. You checked your phone to see that school starts in five minutes. You sighed in relief that you got there early and didn't wait through traffic. You walked through the entrance and towards the direction of your first class, Physics. You heard some of the kids whispering amongst themselves. Fortunately, it wasn't about you.

"Hey, did you hear about the new kids coming here?"

"Yeah, I heard that they're all from the same family."

'New students, huh? This should be interesting.' You thought.

You walked into your physics class and sat at your assigned seat with two minutes to spare. All of the students in the class were there and the teacher walked in with a new student.

"Good morning, class! Before we get started, we have a new student that will be joining us. Please, introduce yourself." Your teacher said.

"Um, hi everyone! My name is Echo Fett and I recently moved here last week." said the new student.

"Thank you, Echo! Now, it seems that the class is almost full, but there is an empty seat. (Y/n) Winchester, could you please raise your hand?"

You raised your hand and the teacher told Echo to sit in the empty seat next to you. Echo walked over and sat in the seat next to you. You were able to see him up close to see what he looked like. He wore a classic white t-shirt and a faded blue jacket with the sleeves rolled up. He also had a knapsack around the shirt along with navy blue shorts, blue sneakers, a light blue beanie and dog tags. What stood out to you the most was the fact that he had a cane, a missing forearm on his right arm and robotic leg prosthetics. You immediately felt sorrow for him and looked away. The bell rang and class started. You were kind of glad you weren't late.

>After class<

Students were rushing to leave the classroom, but you stayed behind to finish packing your stuff. You put a bag strap on your shoulder and stood up. You looked to your left to see the new kid struggling a bit.

"Hey, it's Echo, right?" You asked as you approached him.

"Uh, yeah. What's your name?" He asked.

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