Vol 1 Chapter 7.1

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Yeah, that's what I've been doing in class.

"I wish I could be like you Sugihara-kun! You never pay attention in class but you always get the highest grades even above Koenji-kun and Horikita-san!" Mori compliments my intelligence right after I was done teaching her an equation I use.

"Is that so? Well if you study hard enough you might get to this point! Just try harder!" She wants to be like me huh...?

If someone knew how much pain I go through day after day, they'd likely turn away from becoming 'me'. Having immense strength and near perfect intelligence comes with a high price, that of course is pondering the dark secrets of the world.

Dark thoughts are painful too, they're scars that are the hardest to heal. Sometimes these thoughts have a higher kill rate than physical pain, that's how suicide works. The reason why most of us are born into a nice and caring environment is because we are most vulnerable in our childhood.

Ruining someone's childhood may result in mental trauma. Traumatic events often lead to dark thoughts, and these thoughts trace back to trauma. An endless cycle of mental pain if you will. Even the most severe of physical pain may heal in a few months, but mental trauma may take years to heal or even forever.

"W-would you please stop? I've given you my answer haven't I?" As I teach Ayanokouji a few things, I hear the familiar voice of a girl and turn my head in her direction almost immediately.

Isn't that Ichinose Honami? And...some blonde boy? He seems like a senpai...second year perhaps. Hang on he's pulling a kabedon! Is this a confession?

Well if it is a confession, seems like Ichinose already rejected but she's being pushed further by this blonde man.

"Come on, you aren't dating anyone are you? Someone with your looks must be dying for a boyfriend."

"No not really, I'm not like that. C-could you let go of me now..?"

"Not yet, you have to give it to me straight. Do you have a boyfriend?"


"What's it gonna be? If you don't answer I'll- huh?"

The senpai releases a confused gasp as he's suddenly shot on the side of the head with a.....bottle cap? What the fuck?

"Ugh...who was that?" The senpai  staggers back to look in the direction the shit was fired. I do the exact same along with my study buddies.

"Listen up, cherry boy. What you just did wasn't a good way to treat a woman you see?" That maroon hair and those exotic eyes...wait what's Ray-chan doing here? More importantly did she SHOOT out a bottle cap at this 'cherry boy'?

"Wait isn't she a virgin too...?" I mutter under my breath as I stare at the two.

"You.. you're that Kurenai girl right? What business do you have with me? Also did you just-"

"Exactly, cherry boy. The question I should be asking is what business do you have with Honami-chan? Men are mostly crazed gorillas wired for steamy sex so I can sense you're going after her because of her killer body." She has a cola bottle in each hand.

Wait did she shake that cola bottle so hard that the top came off and she aimed it at cherry boy? She seems to have only used one, the other one is still bottled up, also how the hell did no cola spill on the ground at all!?

"Aren't you brazen? Talking about sexual interest like that. Fine I'll take my leave." That easy huh? Am I surrounded by pussy men or what?!

The other day I defended someone from a guy with verbal words alone! The men at this school are total push overs! It's be cool if there were a strategiest from another class who is also physically strong and not a coward.

"What was that about?"

"Dunno, oh Sugihara-kun could you teach me this?" Matsushita finally asks for my presence, I've just about finished with Ayanokouji so he should be good.

I walk over to Matsushita while taking glances back at Ray-chan, who is now comforting Ichinose. Those rumors back in middle school of her being a lesbian might be true, but she has gotten close to fucking me before so I don't know what her sexuality is anymore.

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